the Magic

His friends will call him "pony boy" after that rainy day in poland. The day he was ridden like my little fagg*t pony. The day he became a woman in front of his closest friends.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9053346 436163 His friends will call him "pony boy" after that rainy day in poland. The day he was ridden like my little fagg*t pony. The day he became a woman in front of his closest friends. Not in a million years
9053343 436163 I'll ass rape a thief in front of his friends It is decidedly so
9053342 436163 Well, phuck them, I'll be ready Most likely
9053341 436163 Will someone rob me? It is certain
9053340 436163 Will I get in trouble with the cops there? Not in a million years
9053339 436163 Will I have a flashback from a past life? My reply is no
9053338 436163 Will I have some sort of empathic anxiety attack? Outlook not so good
9053337 436163 Should I visit auschwitz? Reply hazy, try again
9053335 436163 Will I have a bad time in Poland? Count on it
9053334 436163 Will I walk down medieval streets with fall colours around me and fall wind blowing through my hair? Ask again later
9053333 436163 Should I skip Poland? Not in a million years
9053332 436163 Will I enjoy Hungary? Most likely
9053331 436163 Will I enjoy Czechia? Most likely
9053330 436163 Will I enjoy Poland? My reply is no
9053329 436163 Will I get killed in Europe in 2022? ...concentrating so hard... NO!
9053328 436163 Will I get killed in Europe in 2022? Concentrate and ask again
9053327 436163 Will some bad schitt happen? My sources say no
9053326 436163 Will I have a good time in these places? NO!
9053325 436163 Will I go to Hungary this year? As I see it, yes
9053324 436163 Will I go to Poland this year? As I see it, yes
9053323 436163 Will I go to czechia this year? Outlook good
9053322 436163 lol, have another drink, dear... Yes - definitely
9053321 436163 you say no, but later on tonight, you'll be doing it... NO!
9053320 436163 my sources say "lick my ass" My reply is no
9053319 436163 Will I get this tomorrow? My sources say no
9053318 436163 lol, phucking lol Outlook good
9053317 436163 Did Jesus blow all 12 apostles? Outlook good
9053316 665224 Is 1 red number Very doubtful
9053315 615306 Is he thinking of calling me right now Very doubtful
9053314 615306 Is he thinking of me Concentrate and ask again
9053313 615306 Is he gonna call me tonight? Signs point to yes
9053305 889054 Did my post make Madeline happy Signs point to yes
9053304 889054 Is Madeline sad My reply is no
9053303 889054 Is Madeline upset with me Ask again later
9053302 436163 Are there people that I know who are reading this because they cannot be trusted? Yes - definitely
9053301 436163 Will I marry a Ukrainian refugee instead? Very doubtful
9053300 436163 Will I regret going? Ask again later
9053299 436163 lol, will it be a bad time? Without a doubt
9053298 436163 Will it be a good time? My reply is no
9053297 436163 Will she be there? Yes - definitely
9053296 436163 Will I go there without being forced to leave? Yes - definitely
9053285 414926 Will Madeline pick Noah over me Outlook not so good
9053284 414926 Is Madeline in love with Brandon Yes - definitely
9053283 414926 Is Madeline in love with Jared As I see it, yes
9053282 414926 Is Madeline in love with Jeremy Count on it
9053281 877065 Should I go to work? Most likely
9053280 414926 Is Madeline in love with Noah As I see it, yes
9053279 414926 Is Madeline still in love with her ex My reply is no
9053278 877065 Should I stay home from work Concentrate and ask again
9053277 414926 Is Madeline talking to other guys Outlook good