the Magic

Does Madeline like balls

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9053509 581349 Does Madeline like balls Very doubtful
9053500 434948 Will Metka realize she loves me? It is certain
9053498 581349 Will Madeline become my wife Yes - definitely
9053497 581349 Will Madeline become my fiance Outlook not so good
9053496 581349 Will Madeline become my girlfriend It is certain
9053495 581349 Will I become Madeline's boyfriend My sources say no
9053494 581349 Will I be attracted to Madeline in person Yes - definitely
9053493 581349 Will Madeline be attracted to me in person Most likely
9053492 449754 Do I get approved to move into the dueling oaks marrero house? NO!
9053491 254505 Will I get approved to move into the dueling oaks house? Outlook good
9053490 254505 Am I 41 yrs old Most likely
9053489 254505 Am I 41 yrs old Reply hazy, try again
9053488 1026423 do i send that? Yes - definitely
9053487 581349 Is Madeline thinking of me Signs point to yes
9053486 414926 Is Madeline going to ignore me tonight My sources say no
9053485 543011 Should we move home It is decidedly so
9053483 378121 Will I flip my stock money to $40,000 by December 2021? Most likely
9053482 378121 Will my clientele grow to $40,000 stock by December 2021? Signs point to yes
9053481 378121 Will my clientele grow to $50,000 stock by December 2021? Outlook not so good
9053480 434948 Does she still love me? As I see it, yes
9053479 434948 Is it going to be okay? Very doubtful
9053478 434948 Does MEtka still have romantic feelings towards me? Very doubtful
9053477 434948 Is Metka angry with me? It is certain
9053475 147037 26 is a bonus ball for teatime tonight Very doubtful
9053474 581349 Did Madeline misunderstand my message Very doubtful
9053473 581349 Will Madeline stop being mad at me As I see it, yes
9053472 581349 Is Madeline angry with me Without a doubt
9053471 581349 Is Madeline upset with me It is decidedly so
9053470 951042 Does daniel love me Outlook not so good
9053469 581349 Does Madeline see me as her boyfriend Very doubtful
9053468 581349 Does Madeline want to be my girlfriend Better not tell you now
9053467 581349 Does Madeline want to live her life with me Not in a million years
9053466 581349 Does Madeline want to have a house with me My sources say no
9053465 581349 Does Madeline want to escape her home with me Very doubtful
9053464 581349 Does Madeline want to escape everything with me Cannot predict now
9053463 581349 Is Madeline missing me Signs point to yes
9053462 581349 Does Madeline dream about me It is certain
9053461 948948 Will Lorena win a lot of money today Without a doubt
9053460 948948 Am l lucky today Yes - definitely
9053459 948948 Will l win the 18375 dollar bonanza at bingo today if Gary is calling Ask again later
9053458 948948 Will l win the bonanza at bingo today Most likely
9053457 948948 Will l win at bingo today Yes - definitely
9053453 483278 Green colour might bonus on teatime My sources say no
9053452 483278 Blue colour might bonus on teatime Yes - definitely
9053451 1026423 Do I go downtown? It is decidedly so
9053447 86761 should i go to the villa? Yes
9053445 381169 Da li cu biti srecna My reply is no
9053441 723122 Will Kareem call me back Without a doubt
9053430 623572 Bonus ball color Most likely
9053429 47912 In 2025 will Intense Beauté pay me a salary of $10,000 a month? As I see it, yes