the Magic

Will he apply for the job

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9055688 118464 Will he apply for the job Outlook good
9055687 118464 Will he back for me My reply is no
9055686 118464 Will we hook up again Outlook not so good
9055685 118464 Will I heard back from him Outlook not so good
9055684 856356 15 will be play teatime uk 49for today My reply is no
9055683 856356 49 will play teatime uk 49for today Signs point to yes
9055682 856356 21 will be play teatime uk 49 for today It is certain
9055681 856356 47 will be play teatime uk 49for today Signs point to yes
9055680 856356 8 will be play teatime uk 49 for today Signs point to yes
9055678 240886 is she going to come over soon Yes
9055677 581789 are u sure? Ask again later
9055676 581789 мне вернут акк в стиме? NO!
9055675 403681 Does Kareem loves me Outlook not so good
9055674 403681 Does Kareem loves Raquel Without a doubt
9055673 403681 Does Kareem love Raquel Ask again later
9055672 403681 Will Kareem and I stay together Yes - definitely
9055671 403681 Will Kareem and I celebrate Christmas in this house Very doubtful
9055668 403681 Will Kareem have sec with me Very doubtful
9055667 403681 Does Kareem wants to be with me As I see it, yes
9055666 403681 Does Raquel wants to be with Raquel Most likely
9055665 403681 Does Kareem wants to be with Raquel NO!
9055664 403681 Is there a romantic relationship with Kareem and Raquel It is decidedly so
9055663 403681 Did Kareem sleep in the same house with Raquel Without a doubt
9055661 403681 Is Raquel leaving Florida today Count on it
9055660 403681 Is Kareem sons mother still in Florida with him As I see it, yes
9055659 403681 Will Kareem be nice to me when he gets back Cannot predict now
9055658 403681 Will Kareem work things out with me It is decidedly so
9055657 403681 Will Kareem come tomorrow Sunday from Florida Count on it
9055656 403681 Is Kareem coming back from Florida today My reply is no
9055655 403681 Will Kareem call me today Count on it
9055654 499210 Give me lunch time bonus for today Ask again later
9055653 876664 Can u give me bonus for lunch time today Count on it
9055652 688140 is he the one? As I see it, yes
9055651 554576 mamatay na ba ako NO!
9055650 554576 maganda si solar diba (subukan mo mag-no) It is decidedly so
9055649 554576 cute ba si solar Concentrate and ask again
9055648 554576 red flag ba mga virgo? Yes
9055647 554576 uto uto ba sila It is certain
9055646 554576 Am i dumb? My sources say no
9055645 554576 Bobo ba ako Signs point to yes
9055644 554576 Kapag ba nagconfess may chance? NO!
9055643 554576 magiging sila ano ba Yes - definitely
9055642 920895 Should I wait to text him Without a doubt
9055641 920895 Should I text him now? It is certain
9055640 263289 am i 19 years old? My sources say no
9055639 196625 Can the wish spell 2017 be able to work in 2 days if I listen to a belif subliminal Most likely
9055638 263289 should i get the jordans? Without a doubt
9055637 196625 Will the wish spell 2017 be able to work in 2 days if I listen to a belief subliminal Cannot predict now
9055636 196625 Will the wish spell 2017 be able to work in 2 days if I listen to spell boosters Very doubtful
9055635 196625 Will the wish spell 2017 be able to work in 2 days Not in a million years