the Magic

is jan hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9111878 66767 is jan hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook not so good
9111877 66767 is china magno going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? My sources say no
9111876 913353 Da li misli negativno o meni Yes - definitely
9111875 913353 Da Li misli da sam losa It is decidedly so
9111874 66767 is Kanye west going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? It is decidedly so
9111864 66767 is rayven justice going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes - definitely
9111863 66767 is deinell dungca going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes - definitely
9111861 66767 is Julianne Chaves going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Very doubtful
9111860 66767 is Samantha dollete going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? NO!
9111859 66767 is @avamariana going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? As I see it, yes
9111858 617399 Is 32 a teatime bonus for today Outlook not so good
9111857 850992 tonton sapık dedeler :D jeffrey epstein joe biden bill gates elon musk ve küreselci şeytani yaratıklar ... :D ss Outlook good
9111856 332793 40 is bonus Outlook good
9111855 332793 20 is bonus Reply hazy, try again
9111854 332793 30 is bonus Outlook good
9111853 332793 9 is bonus NO!
9111852 332793 27 is bonus It is certain
9111851 332793 22 is bonus As I see it, yes
9111850 332793 21 is bonus My sources say no
9111849 332793 8 is bonus As I see it, yes
9111848 66767 is George Harris going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook good
9111847 66767 is Kyle Mendoza going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Without a doubt
9111846 161600 Bonus colour for teatime is red tonight? As I see it, yes
9111845 755414 will i become a billionaire Yes
9111844 755414 will titus get a mansion Outlook not so good
9111843 815233 Will we win the powerball? As I see it, yes
9111842 755414 will evan play in the nba Concentrate and ask again
9111841 521284 37 will be included in teatime draw Yes - definitely
9111840 755414 will evan play nba basketball NO!
9111839 755414 will titus get a boyfriend It is certain
9111838 755414 will titus get a girlfriend Ask again later
9111837 755414 will liam die Very doubtful
9111836 755414 will get a boyfriend Yes - definitely
9111834 755414 will i get a girlfriend NO!
9111833 36656 Should ı play roblox? As I see it, yes
9111832 79542 Does Launa live in Brazil? Outlook not so good
9111831 79542 Is Launa from #346 a woman? Very doubtful
9111830 1007730 Did I just date someone exactly like my mom? Very doubtful
9111829 79542 Is Launa’s online picture real? Not in a million years
9111828 1007730 Is he vain and narcissistic like my mom? Outlook good
9111827 79542 Is Launa, a woman? Very doubtful
9111826 79542 Is my online friend, Launa, a man? It is decidedly so
9111825 79542 Is my online friend, Launa, a woman? My reply is no
9111824 1007730 Does he discard people without any feeling? Yes
9111823 79542 Is my online friend, Launa, from the US? My sources say no
9111822 79542 Is my online friend Launa from Brazil? My reply is no
9111821 1007730 Was he ever into me? Without a doubt
9111820 1007730 Were our dates just for something for him to do? My reply is no
9111819 79542 Do my managers like me? It is certain
9111818 79542 Do my managers view me as a jerk? Yes