the Magic

is denyll maglasang going to the celestial kingdom of heaven?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9111998 66767 is denyll maglasang going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook not so good
9111997 66767 is Daniel aruta going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes
9111996 66767 is Daniel aruta going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Ask again later
9111995 66767 is Daniel aruta going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Reply hazy, try again
9111994 66767 is will genaro going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes - definitely
9111993 66767 is faye hizon nybo going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Most likely
9111992 66767 is Richard johnson going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? My sources say no
9111991 66767 is ally ko going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes - definitely
9111990 66767 is ally ko going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Reply hazy, try again
9111989 66767 is Jenny choi going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Not in a million years
9111988 66767 is Tyler terrazas going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Not in a million years
9111987 66767 is Roel Pabalate going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? As I see it, yes
9111986 66767 is Kyle Mendoza going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Very doubtful
9111985 66767 is Julianne Chaves going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Yes - definitely
9111984 763153 Please? God help It is decidedly so
9111983 763153 Please help her It is decidedly so
9111982 763153 Suicide isn't right It is certain
9111981 763153 I need hope It is certain
9111980 763153 Let everything be ok Yes - definitely
9111979 66767 did jan hizon sin twice today? Not in a million years
9111978 66767 did jan hizon sin today or no? Yes - definitely
9111977 66767 did jan hizon sin today? Yes
9111976 66767 is jan hizon going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? It is decidedly so
9111975 66767 is Francis gesmundo going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Very doubtful
9111974 185427 Утре госпожата ще ме изпита ли по история? My sources say no
9111973 156296 will I graduate this dec? Yes - definitely
9111972 156296 will I defend any thesis as planned? NO!
9111971 156296 will I finis h my degree this semester? Concentrate and ask again
9111970 156296 will I graduate this semester? Cannot predict now
9111969 956793 lil baby squid? Count on it
9111968 956793 will i be an artist Yes - definitely
9111967 956793 will i be mainstream My sources say no
9111966 956793 will i be rich It is decidedly so
9111965 956793 will i love a happy life Yes - definitely
9111964 956793 will i be stable Better not tell you now
9111963 956793 will i be wealthy My reply is no
9111962 956793 am i going to be rich Not in a million years
9111961 502432 Will i be a millionaire It is certain
9111960 467928 pola 4 evening prediction Yes - definitely
9111959 34521 has sola thought of manny romantically at all Outlook not so good
9111958 34521 has sola thought of me romantically at all Very doubtful
9111957 66767 is joel Guevara going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook good
9111956 66767 is Matthew Garcia going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Most likely
9111955 465012 Is lunchtime bonus ball for 2 November 2022 amongst 20s Signs point to yes
9111954 465012 Is the lunchtime bonus ball between 20s to 30s Ask again later
9111953 66767 is ryleigh suacillo going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Not in a million years
9111952 66767 is mikayla suacillo going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Outlook not so good
9111951 465012 Is the lunchtime bonus ball between 20_30 Concentrate and ask again
9111950 465012 Is the bonus ball for lunchtime 2 November 2022 low Very doubtful
9111949 66767 is george James going to the celestial kingdom of heaven? Not in a million years