the Magic

Will Kareem text me back

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9157451 921199 Will Kareem text me back Outlook not so good
9157450 921199 Is Kareem taking a cab with after work Count on it
9157449 921199 Will Kareem sent a mean response to my text Most likely
9157448 921199 Will Kareem answer my text Yes
9157447 921199 Is Kareem mad at me As I see it, yes
9157446 921199 Will Kareem ride back with after work Yes - definitely
9157445 921199 Did Kareem meant to sent that text to someone else Without a doubt
9157439 722554 should i text? As I see it, yes
9157438 245148 Gingers Signs point to yes
9157437 245148 Gingers Concentrate and ask again
9157434 178021 necklace or bracelet Most likely
9157433 362616 Am I pregnant with multiples NO!
9157432 516140 who is better messy or Ronaldo Outlook good
9157431 487803 Will God mercifully surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of this Wednesday night’s entire Powerball Jackpot? As I see it, yes
9157425 544289 8_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Without a doubt
9157424 544289 7_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Very doubtful
9157423 544289 6_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Without a doubt
9157422 544289 10_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Yes
9157421 544289 2_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 My reply is no
9157419 544289 32_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157418 544289 34_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Outlook not so good
9157417 544289 29_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Yes - definitely
9157416 544289 24_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Very doubtful
9157415 544289 49_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Yes
9157414 544289 48_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157413 544289 37_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157412 544289 47_is luck number today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 My reply is no
9157411 544289 12_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Yes - definitely
9157410 544289 13_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157409 544289 38_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 It is certain
9157408 544289 31_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 It is certain
9157407 544289 49_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 As I see it, yes
9157405 544289 48_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 NO!
9157404 544289 47_is a bonus ball today Lunchtime 24/01/2023 As I see it, yes
9157386 467077 will kathryn be back at all in February? Yes
9157385 467077 will kathryn be back before the easter holidays? As I see it, yes
9157384 467077 will kathryn be back after half term? My sources say no
9157365 235873 Is it safe ? Most likely
9157364 235873 Did I leave it out ? Cannot predict now
9157363 391101 Does she just want to take it nice and slow Outlook good
9157362 103261 Which number likely to come on uk lunch today Most likely
9157337 355317 Today hot bonus ball for lunchtime Without a doubt
9157336 103858 10 will play on next draw lunchtime uk49 tomorrow As I see it, yes
9157326 688892 12_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Outlook good
9157325 688892 12_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Concentrate and ask again
9157324 688892 13_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Signs point to yes
9157323 688892 31_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Not in a million years
9157322 688892 38_is luck number today lunchtime 24/01/2023 Most likely
9157321 944138 Will we get our tenants next week? Outlook good
9157320 944138 Can I trust Alla? Yes