the Magic

Will I feel better at all ?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9164433 207385 Will I feel better at all ? NO!
9164432 207385 Am i gonna die with covid-19? NO!
9164431 207385 Am I gonna get rid of the COVID soon ? NO!
9164426 724244 bonus ball for 8 February 2023 uk49s lunchtime Yes
9164425 547112 Tree number plus bonus ball for 8 February 2023 uk49s lunchtime It is decidedly so
9164424 193819 Winning numbers for 8 February 2023 uk49s lunchtime Signs point to yes
9164422 591522 They have me on there list Very doubtful
9164421 591522 Can’t go back to Coupang Yes
9164414 517741 Am I simply doomed to be in agony? Count on it
9164413 517741 Will I ever be myself? My reply is no
9164412 517741 Will I ever be free? Ask again later
9164411 517741 Will I remain in this place past February, 2023? As I see it, yes
9164410 517741 Will I be Venceslao? Count on it
9164409 517741 Will I change my world? Ask again later
9164408 517741 Will I ever be a man named Venceslao Faris Soloveitchik? Yes - definitely
9164404 77308 the brownie, mai, your mommy is sleeping NO!
9164403 77308 are you okay , dark chocky anderson My sources say no
9164402 77308 moving along Outlook good
9164401 721395 Will get mom's money? Count on it
9164400 721395 Will Ken get mom' money? As I see it, yes
9164399 275550 should i do it within the hour? It is certain
9164398 275550 should i do it now? My sources say no
9164397 275550 can i send this now? Signs point to yes
9164396 275550 can i send this? My reply is no
9164395 275550 should i change it? Signs point to yes
9164394 275550 should i send this now? My sources say no
9164393 721395 Will Ken get mom's money? As I see it, yes
9164392 275550 is this better? Without a doubt
9164391 721395 Will I get mom's money? Count on it
9164390 721395 Will Kenny get mom's money Outlook good
9164389 275550 is that good? NO!
9164388 275550 should i add that? Without a doubt
9164387 591884 Do Black people get hurt for hurting people? Yes
9164386 591884 Do Black people get hurt for hurting people? Ask again later
9164385 275550 should i text now? Most likely
9164384 722550 Y la cara riendo As I see it, yes
9164383 722550 Y Ponerle cara con ones atras NO!
9164382 591884 Do Black people go to jail for messing with the wrong people? Count on it
9164381 722550 Ponerle hey how was the casting for you? I could’ve done so much better It is decidedly so
9164380 591884 Do Black people go to jail for hurting people? It is certain
9164379 591884 Do Black people go to jail for hurting people? Better not tell you now
9164378 722550 Ponerle saw you at the casting today, good luck Outlook not so good
9164377 722550 Ponerle Hi athein I saw you on your way out from minoru today I liked your hair Outlook not so good
9164376 722550 Ponerle a athein I saw you on your way out from minoru Reply hazy, try again
9164375 722550 Ponerle a athein it was so crowded today, I didn’t say hi cause you were leaving but nice hair NO!
9164374 722550 Ponerle hey how was the casting for you My reply is no
9164373 722550 Ponerle hi sorry for not saying hi I saw you on your way out from minoru loved the hair My sources say no
9164372 722550 Ponerle Hi I saw you on your way out from the casting crazy how crowded that was Very doubtful
9164371 722550 Powerless Hey! I saw you on your way out from the casting, didn’t want to bother. If I’m honest I think I did terrible I still am a bit scare of being myself at times. NO!
9164370 722550 Powerless Hey! Indidnt want to bother you cause you were leaving already, I had no idea how much people come to this NO!