the Magic

I think its really good

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9164890 763153 I think its really good Most likely
9164888 763153 I think the future is in dah house It is decidedly so
9164886 763153 It is a miracle Outlook not so good
9164883 763153 Nah? I think so Without a doubt
9164881 763153 I love ai My sources say no
9164878 250030 Colour bonus ball tomorrow lunchtime Signs point to yes
9164874 59786 Does my managers want me to stay at the firm? My sources say no
9164873 59786 Will I keep my current job? My reply is no
9164871 454576 will todd date his cat My reply is no
9164870 454576 will todd date me Outlook good
9164869 454576 is he asexual Without a doubt
9164868 454576 will todd ever date anyone As I see it, yes
9164867 250030 Is bonus ball teatime today low Signs point to yes
9164866 454576 will they date My reply is no
9164865 454576 is it caylen Yes - definitely
9164864 250030 Is bonus ball lunchtime today low number As I see it, yes
9164863 454576 does anyone have a crush on todd Yes
9164862 250030 Bouns ball tomorrow My reply is no
9164861 250030 Is bonus ball low tomorrow lunchtime As I see it, yes
9164860 250030 Is 26 bonus ball lunchtime tomorrow It is decidedly so
9164859 250030 Is 6 bonus lunchtime tomorrow Very doubtful
9164858 250030 What's bonus ball lunchtime Without a doubt
9164857 250030 What collour is bonus ball lunchtime tomorrow NO!
9164856 250030 What's bonus ball lunchtime tomorrow It is certain
9164855 250030 Is bonus ball high or low tomorrow lunchtime Yes - definitely
9164847 139457 Anabel likes the job Very doubtful
9164846 9479 Anabel is at work Yes
9164845 128627 Anabel went home Reply hazy, try again
9164844 996924 Anabel don’t like it Very doubtful
9164842 520652 Anabel don’t like the job Ask again later
9164841 520652 Anabel left the job It is decidedly so
9164832 1007893 do i add that? Most likely
9164810 926223 Is grace emo Most likely
9164805 398027 Will he have a chat with me? Yes - definitely
9164804 398027 Will he invite me? It is certain
9164785 535442 Will one of the checks I'm expecting come today Outlook good
9164784 535442 Will the check I'm expecting come today Concentrate and ask again
9164783 535442 Will I be free of the responsibility of dealing with Dan's stuff by the end of march Yes
9164782 535442 Will Dan ever move back into his house Most likely
9164781 535442 Will do ever move back into his house It is certain
9164780 535442 Will we need the $ for the next month's nursing home payment It is certain
9164779 535442 Will the check I'm expecting come by this Saturday Outlook not so good
9164778 535442 Will the check for stock sold Jan 27 come today Not in a million years
9164777 535442 Will the check come today Concentrate and ask again
9164776 633115 Am I going to win bingo My sources say no
9164775 932482 Will things work out with this new guy Most likely
9164774 407166 Will it be at least 3000.00 Yes
9164773 407166 Will it be huge NO!
9164772 407166 Will I get a tax refund this year Yes - definitely
9164770 470959 I’m I going to get the job? Not in a million years