the Magic

Its gotta be cleaned. I need to donate things

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9178865 34483 Its gotta be cleaned. I need to donate things My sources say no
9178864 34483 Its gotta be cleaned. I need to donate things Better not tell you now
9178863 34483 Its driving me nuts. The dirt Concentrate and ask again
9178862 34483 I have so much to let go of Reply hazy, try again
9178861 34483 Its old and outdated food Very doubtful
9178860 34483 I need to really purge Reply hazy, try again
9178859 34483 I need to really purge Better not tell you now
9178858 34483 I need to rest ..just for a few hours Without a doubt
9178857 34483 I need to rest ..just for a few hours Cannot predict now
9178856 34483 I just need to rest between cleaning Very doubtful
9178855 34483 I was up all night Signs point to yes
9178854 34483 Im just a little sleepy Concentrate and ask again
9178853 34483 But I feel good. It is decidedly so
9178852 34483 Im hot. Im sooo warm Outlook good
9178851 34483 Yup it is It is certain
9178850 34483 The kitchen is the hard place to really purge My reply is no
9178849 34483 I only have 3 more cuppards to organize and purge It is certain
9178848 34483 Im organizing things. It's super Most likely
9178846 776608 Do Keith nice day together forever Signs point to yes
9178845 776608 Will we keep Chris u til he is 18 Most likely
9178844 776608 Will I die soon Not in a million years
9178843 776608 Will I get a ring from him Not in a million years
9178842 776608 Is Keith unfaithful Not in a million years
9178841 578753 Should i pursue this relationship? It is certain
9178840 776608 Is Keith seeing a woman named Mary Without a doubt
9178839 578753 Will this end badly? Reply hazy, try again
9178838 578753 is this a waste of time? Count on it
9178837 776608 Is Keith seeing a woman named Stephanie? Without a doubt
9178836 578753 Is Travis the one for me? Very doubtful
9178835 776608 Who is my husband talking to and seeing all the time what is her name Yes
9178834 776608 Is my husband having an affair My reply is no
9178816 817269 should i buy the blunt Cannot predict now
9178815 817269 should i but the blunt It is certain
9178810 658677 Pedect me 3 number plus bonus for Yes
9178809 658677 Two numbers plus bonus for uk numbers lunchtime Not in a million years
9178808 52110 Red is the colour of today's lunch time bonus ball It is certain
9178807 474296 Green is the colour of today's lunch time bonus ball Count on it
9178806 474296 Yellow is the colour of lunch time bonus ball for today Not in a million years
9178805 900090 is the email ok Signs point to yes
9178804 892825 Is 19 going to win today? Concentrate and ask again
9178803 290221 What is today's banker Signs point to yes
9178802 144713 What's today's bonus ball NO!
9178801 34483 He didn't want to di. He begged god Very doubtful
9178795 34483 He would never do that It is decidedly so
9178789 34483 I know because she was due to have surgery. He was very concerned Not in a million years
9178788 34483 I know because she was due to have surgery. He was very concerned Concentrate and ask again
9178787 34483 I know. I know because of his mom Cannot predict now
9178786 34483 I know. I know because of his mom Cannot predict now
9178785 34483 It was no accident It is decidedly so
9178784 34483 Microchip?Dark web? Or nearer to fault?The controller Signs point to yes