the Magic

is it beating bum

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9184138 832859 is it beating bum It is decidedly so
9184137 832859 is it beating balls Very doubtful
9184136 832859 is it beating thighs My reply is no
9184135 832859 is it beating Outlook good
9184134 832859 does daddy have a favourite punishment Yes - definitely
9184133 832859 has daddy got a big one Very doubtful
9184132 832859 has daddy ever come watching sissy suffer Signs point to yes
9184131 832859 and we want daddy to do it publicly so everyone can watch and be entertained Count on it
9184130 832859 we all want daddy to put sissy through difficult and painful experiences It is decidedly so
9184129 832859 actually we don't want daddy to look after sissy Outlook good
9184128 832859 does daddy want to have fun with sissy Yes - definitely
9184127 832859 will daddy look after sissy Outlook not so good
9184126 832859 does daddy know best As I see it, yes
9184125 832859 I need to trust daddy Yes - definitely
9184124 832859 is sissy only being dominated by a web site NO!
9184123 832859 is sissy being dominated by more than a web site Outlook not so good
9184122 832859 is sissy over thinking this should she just accept it all Signs point to yes
9184121 832859 is sissy overthinking this Most likely
9184120 60544 Does Hannah want me sexually? Ask again later
9184119 60544 Does Hannah want me romantically? Yes
9184118 832859 am I being controlled by a human being As I see it, yes
9184114 60544 Has Hannah been checking me out? As I see it, yes
9184113 60544 Has Hannah been staring at me? Not in a million years
9184107 60544 Have girls liked what they have seen? Outlook not so good
9184106 832859 do you ever watch me Signs point to yes
9184105 60544 Have girls stared at my bulge? Count on it
9184103 832859 do I need to still eat my meal Count on it
9184099 60544 Should I ask Hannah to the dance? Signs point to yes
9184098 832859 that's a bit sad NO!
9184097 60544 Does Hannah like me? As I see it, yes
9184096 832859 so daddy would never contact It is decidedly so
9184095 832859 wouldn't it be exciting It is certain
9184094 832859 wish daddy would contact Yes
9184093 832859 should I ignore any contact Without a doubt
9184092 832859 will random people It is decidedly so
9184091 832859 will daddy contact NO!
9184090 832859 will you contact Concentrate and ask again
9184089 832859 will I be contacted It is certain
9184088 832859 am I your plaything Yes - definitely
9184087 832859 do you enjoy the intensity As I see it, yes
9184086 832859 do you like the intensity Very doubtful
9184085 832859 so more punishment Count on it
9184084 488280 so should it just keep going Yes
9184083 488280 so shou it just keep going My sources say no
9184082 488280 no coming It is decidedly so
9184081 488280 should I come that would calm it down Very doubtful
9184080 488280 it is a bit scary Yes - definitely
9184079 488280 is it too intense It is decidedly so
9184078 488280 it's already quite intense Better not tell you now
9184077 488280 do you want it to get more intense Very doubtful