the Magic

Did K.K. really like me?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9194255 536317 Did K.K. really like me? Reply hazy, try again
9194240 416256 Does James D'Astolfo regret what he did to me? Most likely
9194239 416256 Does James D'Astolfo miss me? Without a doubt
9194238 563297 Da li bi spavao sa mnom Very doubtful
9194237 563297 Da li sam mu lepa My sources say no
9194236 563297 Da li mu se svidjam NO!
9194235 563297 Da li je provalio da mi se svidja My sources say no
9194234 563297 Da li je provalio da mu se svidjam Yes - definitely
9194233 683753 I guess they do make them currently dinos83 Better not tell you now
9194232 683753 I'll tell you again, don't buy the tens, they're crap. they don't work. only buy the 8s. if you buy the tens, your eyes are gonna water and strain and you'll hate them. only buy the 8s. My reply is no
9194231 683753 which were these .. do they make uhm anymore. I dunno... but it was these dinos38 Outlook good
9194230 60440 It doesn’t matter if we are conservative or libral… no baby children should be forced to hear anything that filthy , It’s wrong Very doubtful
9194229 683753 but I saw dad... awww it's dad, so I gave him mine Yes - definitely
9194228 60440 I just pray she’s foreign , can’t understand. I pray her kids are deaf and can’t understand the filth . Children should not be exposed to sooo much filth talk NO!
9194227 683753 not as good as mine though My reply is no
9194226 683753 for me, they're better than the stauer It is certain
9194225 683753 yeah send them all back, Yes
9194224 60440 Yeah m8 she is Concentrate and ask again
9194223 60440 I’m sad for Muslim , Arab woman . She’s exposed to the worst of garbage right here . HeR children are innocent. That woman cursing is out of control My sources say no
9194222 60440 I’m sad , may god forgive her , I just cant stand beings near trashy people Better not tell you now
9194221 3577 Did the Democrats cheat in 2020 Most likely
9194220 3577 Will Biden be impeached Not in a million years
9194219 3577 Will cornpop be impeached Ask again later
9194218 3577 Will Trump win 2024 Better not tell you now
9194217 60440 I’m sad that the little children are exposed to so much garbage Cannot predict now
9194216 3577 Will Bonga sign the drill contract this week It is certain
9194214 60440 Chicago isn’t somewhere if go Not in a million years
9194213 60440 It’s sad to see trash carry on and on Outlook not so good
9194212 60440 It’s wrong to cuss in front of 3 children Outlook good
9194211 60440 People are psycho My sources say no
9194210 60440 I’m tired , just back off Outlook not so good
9194209 60440 Save me please Concentrate and ask again
9194208 696352 do i post it now? Without a doubt
9194207 837491 Will allara hire me for the remote position? Yes - definitely
9194206 837491 Will I get hired at Allara for the remote position? Yes
9194205 837491 Will I get hired at Allstate for the remote position? Yes - definitely
9194204 326601 Should I call jenna gorgeous and tell her I be thinking about her? Most likely
9194201 696352 can i say that? Signs point to yes
9194200 696352 is that better? Very doubtful
9194199 195702 but men! … in Poland Outlook not so good
9194198 696352 do i ask that? My reply is no
9194197 195702 rejected by the hottest girls of the 4H Club Count on it
9194196 195702 “ you are my best little b i t c h e s “, he said… “ better than any in Hollywood!” ( because he had tasted their a s s e s in Poland It is decidedly so
9194195 195702 prystowski gave him and don mousel’s mexican nephew the best of chiappa and the firefly Without a doubt
9194194 195702 prystowski found edwin withhorn and took him to Poland Ask again later
9194193 195702 in Poland an 8 is a Ten ! a giant! My sources say no
9194192 195702 the scale is adjusted in Poland As I see it, yes
9194191 195702 a nine just isn’t you! Not in a million years
9194190 195702 you couldn’t exist as a 9 ! NO!
9194189 81218 Does jahsiah still love me My reply is no