the Magic

Does everyone think I'm an idiot?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9194352 536317 Does everyone think I'm an idiot? Reply hazy, try again
9194351 195702 both vincent and bobberan have given edwin withhorn b l o w j o b s on the spot. … yes they have. me - I’m not attracted to the ugly little weenie. the 4H Club didn’t want edwin withhorn either. Ask again later
9194350 3577 Will Thordis sign the contract this week Outlook good
9194349 195702 angie neprud left you for another guy after years of never having s e x with you As I see it, yes
9194348 195702 that small mexican scared you Without a doubt
9194347 195702 your nose is ugly, vincent. time to think about leaving the planet Without a doubt
9194346 66767 will jan hizon go to heaven? As I see it, yes
9194345 66767 is jan stevens hizon going to heaven? Very doubtful
9194344 66767 is jan hizon going to heaven? My sources say no
9194343 66767 is jan hizon going to heaven? Cannot predict now
9194342 151286 Are my allergies acting up? Without a doubt
9194341 151286 Do I have a sinus infection? My sources say no
9194340 151286 Will I feel better tomorrow? Outlook not so good
9194339 165614 I will receive credit Yes
9194338 895902 are they, in all honesty, going to choose gnosis to be published? As I see it, yes
9194337 895902 are they, in all honesty, going to choose gnosis to be published? Cannot predict now
9194336 249660 Is he worried about being over excited the first time? As I see it, yes
9194335 249660 Is he worried about performing sexually? NO!
9194334 249660 Is he so anxious because he thinks I'm poor of his league? Most likely
9194333 249660 Is he really that anxious? Outlook not so good
9194332 249660 Will he can back in a min? Signs point to yes
9194331 249660 Is he busy? As I see it, yes
9194330 249660 Will we be married this year? Without a doubt
9194329 249660 Will we get married this year? Concentrate and ask again
9194328 249660 Would he marry me while I'm there? My reply is no
9194327 249660 Is he going to propose when I go there? My sources say no
9194326 249660 Does he plan on preparing to me? Outlook not so good
9194325 249660 Is he besotted with me? Reply hazy, try again
9194324 249660 Is what we are feeling real love? Yes - definitely
9194323 249660 Is this real? NO!
9194322 249660 Are we twin flames? Outlook not so good
9194321 249660 Will he call back soon? Outlook not so good
9194320 249660 Will he call back in a min? Not in a million years
9194319 249660 Did he go do something? Signs point to yes
9194318 249660 Did he get a call? Cannot predict now
9194317 895902 all things considered, is Gnosis a good book? Without a doubt
9194316 895902 it's not good enough yet Not in a million years
9194315 895902 should I be proud of it? My reply is no
9194314 895902 should I be proud of it? Concentrate and ask again
9194313 895902 they are going to choose it to win their prize Count on it
9194312 895902 is it good enough to win their prize Signs point to yes
9194311 895902 they're not going to choose it to win their prize As I see it, yes
9194310 895902 they're not going to choose it to win their prize Concentrate and ask again
9194309 895902 yeah. It's pretty bad Outlook good
9194308 895902 is it a very good book at all? NO!
9194307 895902 is it a very good book at all or is too lost in the sauce It is certain
9194306 895902 I've become a lot better since then It is decidedly so
9194305 895902 I did my best Yes
9194304 895902 is it a good book? Do other people fail to notice the probkems with it that I do? Outlook good
9194303 895902 is it a good book? Do other people fail to notice the probkems with it that I do? Concentrate and ask again