the Magic

should i add him?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9207929 911445 should i add him? Yes - definitely
9207928 967427 Is shakoor a noob? Outlook good
9207927 154682 Should i master today Yes - definitely
9207926 154682 So you would say i should not do it Very doubtful
9207924 862025 Numbers for teatime today Not in a million years
9207923 407867 Winning numbers for teatime fir today Yes - definitely
9207916 245711 Am I the best Gd player in school Better not tell you now
9207915 245711 Is Vincent smarter than lucas Most likely
9207914 245711 Will Lucas fail seventh grade Ask again later
9207913 245711 Will Lucas fail spanish Cannot predict now
9207912 245711 Will I ace the italian speaking It is certain
9207911 245711 Is Gabe Super Tall It is decidedly so
9207910 245711 Is Vincent Taller than Lucas It is certain
9207909 245711 Is Lucas Short Better not tell you now
9207908 245711 Is lucas short Better not tell you now
9207907 601456 Does he feel the same Outlook good
9207906 601456 Does he feel the same Concentrate and ask again
9207905 601456 Should I text him Count on it
9207904 601456 Should I text him? Reply hazy, try again
9207897 831369 Is 31 coming on lunch time today Yes - definitely
9207896 831369 Is 12 coming on lunch time today Outlook good
9207895 831369 Is 47 coming on lunch time today My sources say no
9207894 831369 Is 37 coming on lunch time today Not in a million years
9207893 831369 Is 17 coming on lunch time today Yes - definitely
9207892 831369 Is 27 coming on lunch time today Outlook not so good
9207891 831369 Is 33 coming on lunch time today Very doubtful
9207890 831369 Is 16 coming on lunch time today Not in a million years
9207889 831369 Is 8 coming on lunch time today It is decidedly so
9207888 831369 Is 4 coming on lunch time today My sources say no
9207887 831369 Is 48 coming on lunch time today Without a doubt
9207886 831369 Is 12 coming on lunch today Ask again later
9207885 831369 Is 32 coming on lunch time today? It is certain
9207884 831369 Is 34 coming on lunch time today My sources say no
9207883 831369 Which two numbers are coming on lunch time today? Signs point to yes
9207882 783827 should I switch to sour chapter My reply is no
9207881 413473 What is the number for bonus for lunch Better not tell you now
9207880 405782 Is number 35-37 going to play on lunchtime Yes
9207879 405782 Is number 22 going to play on lunchtime Signs point to yes
9207878 156612 Is number 5 going to play on lunchtime As I see it, yes
9207877 405782 Am I pregnant Very doubtful
9207876 405782 Which colour is lunchtime bonus today It is decidedly so
9207875 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier since 1001 days It is decidedly so
9207874 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1001 days Not in a million years
9207873 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1000 days It is certain
9207872 895902 Is all of that a lie Count on it
9207871 895902 The journal will be worth keeping into the future Outlook not so good
9207870 895902 The journals are valuable to the world and not just me Very doubtful
9207869 895902 You're lying NO!
9207868 895902 Have the journals been a waste of time? Yes
9207867 895902 Do any of them? Not in a million years