the Magic

Is rw committed to someone

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9208374 746861 Is rw committed to someone Signs point to yes
9208371 746861 Does he recognize I’ll die and my call was to say goodbye Signs point to yes
9208370 746861 Did I come to his mind today It is decidedly so
9208365 681720 Will I win bingo It is certain
9208364 681720 Will I win tonight Very doubtful
9208363 681720 Will I win at bingo tonight Not in a million years
9208362 834590 Does he like me? My reply is no
9208361 834590 Will I see him tomorrow? My reply is no
9208360 4501 Am I going to go bankrupt? Outlook not so good
9208359 4501 Is fascism becoming more popular? NO!
9208358 4501 Will Trump become president again in the future? NO!
9208357 618800 Does Kareem loves me Yes - definitely
9208356 618800 Is Kareem cheating on me Most likely
9208355 618800 Will Kareem work things out with me Outlook good
9208354 618800 Will Kareem want to do something this weekend with me It is certain
9208353 618800 Will Kareem be home when I get home Yes - definitely
9208352 618800 Does Kareem wants to answer back Yes - definitely
9208351 618800 Has Kareem seen that I called him and text him It is decidedly so
9208350 618800 Is Kareem home As I see it, yes
9208349 618800 Is Kareem home Reply hazy, try again
9208348 618800 Did Kareem see my calls Not in a million years
9208347 618800 Did Kareem see my text NO!
9208346 213116 Can you win 5 numbers on uk49s Without a doubt
9208345 618800 Does Kareem wants to be with me Cannot predict now
9208344 618800 Is Kareem mad at me As I see it, yes
9208343 220168 He’s liking me more than he did before? It is certain
9208342 220168 He’s linking me more than he’s used to? It is decidedly so
9208340 220168 He loves me? My reply is no
9208339 220168 He will love me? It is certain
9208338 220168 We will not meet again? NO!
9208337 220168 Will we meet again? Very doubtful
9208336 220168 He only likes me? Outlook good
9208335 220168 I will give up on him? Yes
9208333 220168 He will not love me? Yes
9208331 220168 He doesn’t love me? Yes - definitely
9208326 216662 Does tuğçe and ege will get married? Concentrate and ask again
9208325 216662 when will i have a relationship? NO!
9208321 216662 does yusuf loves meryem? Yes - definitely
9208317 809086 his bio said something like the prison known as Poland My reply is no
9208315 809086 toney stark really comes from Poland Better not tell you now
9208308 613325 Should I make my account public Outlook good
9208270 829891 Should I jerk of rnn Better not tell you now
9208269 400430 Jessica at work Signs point to yes
9208268 7360 Will my hair be waist length in 1 year and half? Yes - definitely
9208267 7360 Will my hair be waist length in 2 years? Without a doubt
9208266 7360 Will my hair be waist length again? As I see it, yes
9208265 7360 Will my hair be waist length in december 2024? My sources say no
9208264 7360 Will my hair be waist length in April 2025? My sources say no
9208263 7360 Will my hair be mid back length in April 2024? Outlook good
9208262 809086 jews don’t belong in the United States Yes - definitely