the Magic

22 is coming out on teatime uk49

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9357186 713229 22 is coming out on teatime uk49 NO!
9357185 713229 21 is coming out on teatime uk49 NO!
9357184 713229 20 is coming out on teatime uk49 Cannot predict now
9357183 713229 19 is coming out on teatime uk49 Without a doubt
9357182 713229 18 is coming out on teatime uk49 Outlook good
9357181 713229 17 is coming out on teatime uk49 Most likely
9357180 713229 16 is coming out on teatime uk49 Outlook good
9357179 713229 15 is coming out on teatime uk49 Without a doubt
9357178 713229 14 is coming out on teatime uk49 Without a doubt
9357177 713229 13 is coming out on teatime uk49 My reply is no
9357176 713229 12 is coming out on teatime uk49 Cannot predict now
9357175 713229 11 is coming out on teatime uk49 Better not tell you now
9357174 713229 10 is coming out on teatime uk49 As I see it, yes
9357173 713229 25 is coming out on lunchtime Ask again later
9357172 713229 8 is coming out on teatime uk49 Yes
9357171 713229 7 is coming out on teatime uk49 Without a doubt
9357170 713229 6 is coming out on teatime uk49 It is certain
9357169 713229 1 is coming out on teatime uk49 It is certain
9357168 713229 5 is coming out on teatime uk49 It is decidedly so
9357167 397617 have I iterated my anus by vigorous rubbing with toilet paoer It is decidedly so
9357166 713229 3 is coming out on teatime uk49 Yes
9357165 397617 have I irritated my analysis by vicious wiping Most likely
9357164 713229 2 is coming out on teatime Most likely
9357163 870901 Will they allow me to take days off for music events? It is certain
9357162 870901 Will they accept that schedule arrangement? Not in a million years
9357161 397617 does my anus have a rash on there It is decidedly so
9357160 397617 does my anus have a rash there from straining my poop Reply hazy, try again
9357159 397617 is the pain going to calm down in the next couple of days Cannot predict now
9357158 397617 is my anus sire from eating not enough fruit Yes - definitely
9357157 397617 do I have haemorrhoids at the back As I see it, yes
9357156 95028 Struan Rogers the only actor to play joe Biden Yes - definitely
9357155 95028 Did Arthur Roberts play the role of Joe Biden Very doubtful
9357154 95028 Did Jim Carrey play the role of Joe biden NO!
9357153 95028 Did Jim Carrey play the role of Jim Biden falling up the stairs Very doubtful
9357152 95028 Is the real joe R Biden already dead Yes - definitely
9357151 95028 Will we actually have a November election 2024 Very doubtful
9357150 95028 Is Donald J. Trump the true commander in chief Without a doubt
9357149 95028 Struan Rogers plays the role of Joe Biden Yes
9357148 713229 32 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Outlook not so good
9357147 397617 has antonia become closer to mele and backed you off Yes
9357146 397617 has antonia become closer to mele and backed me Count on it
9357145 397617 has antonus become good friends with mele and backed me off Reply hazy, try again
9357144 397617 has mele become good friends with mele and backed me off Very doubtful
9357143 786046 Pastor Alph Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, Late Maya Angelou, In name of Jesus amen, prophet Brian carn,In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace, truth, mother Jamaica Lina wallace house, tonight, me, truth, village of Jamaican people searched for me true As I see it, yes
9357142 786046 Pastor Alph Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, Late Maya Angelou, In name of Jesus amen, prophet Brian carn,In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace, truth, mother Jamaica Lina wallace house, tonight, me, truth, village of Jamaican people searching for me Outlook not so good
9357141 965322 46 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 NO!
9357140 965322 44 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Not in a million years
9357139 965322 43 is coming out on lunchtime Better not tell you now
9357138 965322 40 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 As I see it, yes
9357137 965322 9 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Without a doubt