the Magic

have I strained my anus by pushing hard

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9357813 670427 have I strained my anus by pushing hard Yes
9357812 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, and Jamaica kevosh grey and Jamaica latoya cotherel hiv, sick, truth, absolutely, really, Outlook good
9357811 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, and Jamaica kevosh grey and Jamaica latoya cotherel hiv, sick, truth, absolutely, really, Ask again later
9357810 502857 Should I go to the lecture Ask again later
9357809 457310 W I’ll I get rich this week Without a doubt
9357808 457310 Will I win the lottery this week Reply hazy, try again
9357807 457310 Will I win the lottery tomorrow Better not tell you now
9357806 457310 Will she. Fall in love with me Most likely
9357804 457310 Will she call me this week Most likely
9357802 457310 Will she preform oral on me Outlook good
9357801 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, and Jamaica kevosh grey hiv, sick, truth, absolutely, really, Most likely
9357800 457310 Will it be soon Without a doubt
9357799 804150 how long until I die Outlook good
9357798 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, and Jamaica kevosh grey hiv , sick, true, absolutely, really, My sources say no
9357797 457310 Will heather become my lover Signs point to yes
9357796 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, sick, true, absolutely, really, It is certain
9357795 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, sick, true, absolutely, really, truth, absolutely, really, truth It is decidedly so
9357794 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, sick, true, absolutely, really, truth, absolutely, really Outlook not so good
9357793 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, sick, true, absolutely, really, truth, absolutely Concentrate and ask again
9357792 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, sick, true, absolutely, really, truth Yes
9357791 313755 That really lts texting me Signs point to yes
9357790 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, true, absolutely, really, truth It is certain
9357789 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, true, absolutely, really, NO!
9357788 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol, hiv, true, absolutely, really, lying, Outlook not so good
9357787 154130 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol true, absolutely, reall, lying, Yes
9357786 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol true, absolutely, reall, lying, truth My sources say no
9357785 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, Haitian belle fanm kreyol true, absolutely, reall, lying, truth Reply hazy, try again
9357776 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, hiv, true, sleeping dirty girls It is certain
9357775 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, hiv, true It is decidedly so
9357774 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, hiv My reply is no
9357773 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases It is certain
9357772 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace hidden diseases Without a doubt
9357771 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace hidden diseases NO!
9357770 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases My sources say no
9357769 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret disease Reply hazy, try again
9357768 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret disease hiv My reply is no
9357767 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secrets disease hiv Without a doubt
9357766 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secrete disease hiv Most likely
9357765 914764 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secrete disease Most likely
9357764 13697 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, really Not in a million years
9357763 914648 Pastor alpha Lucas south Africa worldwide ministries Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, real Most likely
9357762 13697 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, real My sources say no
9357761 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, real Very doubtful
9357760 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, really, really Very doubtful
9357759 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, really Outlook not so good
9357758 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely, really Reply hazy, try again
9357757 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv, truth absolutely My sources say no
9357756 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, hiv Ask again later
9357755 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, immune system low Not in a million years
9357754 13697 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican Omar o wallace secret diseases, truth absolutely, immune system My reply is no