the Magic

Will david commit to me

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9357917 237782 Will david commit to me It is certain
9357916 237782 Does david want to marry me As I see it, yes
9357915 237782 Does david want to marry me Concentrate and ask again
9357914 237782 Just david won't be back Most likely
9357913 200446 şafaktan bir noktada ayrılmalı mıyım Outlook not so good
9357912 200446 şafaktan hemeb ayrılmalı mıyım My reply is no
9357911 837340 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen and Jamaica shannel finalor and Jamaica Elijah Wallace hiv positive truth absolutely, drinks heavy It is decidedly so
9357910 803096 Will i get married? Yes - definitely
9357909 803096 So, I failed my Human Anatomy paper? Outlook not so good
9357908 803096 Did I pass my human anatomy and physiology paper? My reply is no
9357907 670427 am I going to be pooping properly It is decidedly so
9357906 670427 is the blood going to stop underneath the anus by thursday Yes
9357905 670427 is the blood going to stop by thursday NO!
9357903 670427 do I have an annual fissuse from constipation NO!
9357902 670427 did I need to outca period pad there Outlook good
9357901 670427 do I have haemorrhoids near my anus Cannot predict now
9357900 670427 is doctor zuvella going to give you cream for this It is certain
9357899 670427 have I cut myself underneath while pooping It is certain
9357898 670427 have I cut myself underneath Reply hazy, try again
9357897 670427 is doctor zuvella going to prescribe cream for this oroblem Cannot predict now
9357896 670427 is the rectrgesic ointment going to heel it Reply hazy, try again
9357895 999472 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen and Jamaica shannel finalor and Jamaica Elijah Wallace hiv positive truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9357894 999472 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen and Jamaica shannel finalor hiv positive truth absolutely Yes
9357893 999472 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen and Jamaican larah love hiv positive truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9357892 999472 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen and Jamaica larah love hiv positive truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9357891 999472 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen hiv positive truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9357890 999472 Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey, Jamaica Winston allen hiv positive truth absolutely Very doubtful
9357889 999472 Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica kevosh grey hiv positive truth absolutely It is decidedly so
9357888 895902 should I do what I just considered? It is certain
9357887 999472 Jamaica kevosh grey hiv positive Most likely
9357886 895902 the book I'm writing is going to be published Yes
9357885 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace amen kevosh grey hiv, truth, absolutely, lying Not in a million years
9357884 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace amen kevosh grey hiv, truth, absolutely Not in a million years
9357883 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace amen kevosh grey hiv, truth Cannot predict now
9357882 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace amen kevosh grey hiv, truth Better not tell you now
9357881 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace hiv, truth Yes - definitely
9357880 999472 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight, Jamaican shaine Wallace hiv Outlook not so good
9357879 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter, lost weight Yes - definitely
9357878 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, bitter Ask again later
9357877 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty, 75 year old Outlook good
9357876 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, nasty Signs point to yes
9357875 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today, cried Not in a million years
9357874 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, today It is decidedly so
9357873 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, currently My reply is no
9357872 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv, current Without a doubt
9357871 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace and Jamaican Lina wallace uncovered disease, hiv Signs point to yes
9357870 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallac uncovered disease , hiv Not in a million years
9357869 272869 Prophet Brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaican topaz Wallace uncovered disease , hiv It is decidedly so
9357867 478288 Should I jadk off right now? Outlook good
9357866 478288 Should I jerk off right now? NO!