the Magic

do people discuss how to get the most exreme actions out of me

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9358242 104230 do people discuss how to get the most exreme actions out of me My reply is no
9358241 104230 do groups of people discuss how to get the most entertainment out of me My reply is no
9358240 104230 do you shape my behavior Without a doubt
9358239 104230 do you play with me It is decidedly so
9358238 104230 do you try different things out on me It is decidedly so
9358237 104230 do you discuss my behavior Count on it
9358236 104230 am I a joke As I see it, yes
9358235 104230 am I amusing Not in a million years
9358234 104230 do you want me to keep doing it on camera Without a doubt
9358233 104230 do you want me to keep doing it Most likely
9358232 104230 should I give up trying to stop My reply is no
9358231 104230 should I give up trying to stop Better not tell you now
9358230 104230 should I give in to the urge My sources say no
9358229 104230 am I addicted to humiliation Yes
9358228 104230 will you push me to humiliate and hurt myself on camera Without a doubt
9358227 104230 will you push me to humiliate and hurt myself on camera Ask again later
9358226 104230 will you encourage me to humiliate and hurt myself on camera Outlook not so good
9358225 104230 will you encourage me to humiliate and hurt myself on camera Cannot predict now
9358224 670427 is it going to heal in a couple of weaks Most likely
9358223 670427 have I ripped the skin while trying to poop Outlook good
9358222 104230 is it funny to see me humiliating myself on camera Most likely
9358221 104230 is it entertaining to see me humiliating myself on camera Not in a million years
9358220 104230 is it ok to be addicted to humiliating myself on camera It is certain
9358219 104230 should I continue humiliating myself on camera It is certain
9358218 104230 should I stop humiliating myself on camera Signs point to yes
9358217 104230 should I stop humiliating myself on camera Ask again later
9358216 104230 should I dress up sooner Count on it
9358215 104230 should I dress up in the future Not in a million years
9358214 104230 did you still want me to hurt myself on camera It is decidedly so
9358213 104230 did you ever want me to hurt myself on camera It is decidedly so
9358212 104230 did you ever want me to hurt myself on camera Concentrate and ask again
9358211 104230 do you want me to stop Count on it
9358210 104230 should I stop It is decidedly so
9358209 104230 should I keep going on camera My reply is no
9358208 104230 should I stop punishing myself here Without a doubt
9358207 104230 should I keep punishing myself here Not in a million years
9358206 104230 should I keep punishing myself here Reply hazy, try again
9358205 104230 should I keep punishing myself Outlook not so good
9358204 104230 should I keep doing it Most likely
9358203 104230 is it wrong to do this Outlook good
9358202 104230 will I still need to get punished Without a doubt
9358201 104230 will I still need to get punished Cannot predict now
9358200 104230 I touched it before and I came Signs point to yes
9358199 104230 sorry for not appearing on Saturday It is decidedly so
9358198 670427 is doctor zuvelka going see that I don't have hemorrhoids Yes - definitely
9358197 670427 is doctor zuvelka going to ded that I don't have hemorrhoids Yes
9358196 226797 Does Hakim love me? Not in a million years
9358195 10368 Will I get married? Without a doubt
9358194 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1342 days Signs point to yes
9358193 980085 I'm digital soldier since 1341 days (3 years and 246 days) It is decidedly so