the Magic

In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, lies a lot,

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9358637 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, lies a lot, Yes - definitely
9358636 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, lies a lot, truth absolutely Without a doubt
9358635 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, lies alot, truth absolutely My reply is no
9358634 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, lies alot Most likely
9358633 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son who're monger, It is certain
9358632 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property son whore monger, Better not tell you now
9358631 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property, cried My sources say no
9358630 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property, crying Without a doubt
9358629 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting property Yes
9358628 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting streets Very doubtful
9358627 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting streets Reply hazy, try again
9358626 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely, fighting street Without a doubt
9358625 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth, absolutely It is certain
9358624 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems, truth As I see it, yes
9358623 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors, family members problems Outlook not so good
9358622 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighbors Yes
9358621 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighborhood Not in a million years
9358620 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace arguments neighborhood It is decidedly so
9358619 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bitternes and angry truth, absolutely Outlook good
9358618 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bitternes and angry truth, absolutely Ask again later
9358617 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bitternes and angry truth It is certain
9358616 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bitternes and angry NO!
9358615 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bitterness and angry My sources say no
9358614 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bittness and angry My sources say no
9358613 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning bittness Very doubtful
9358612 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not resting morning Yes - definitely
9358611 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace not rest morning Concentrate and ask again
9358610 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace screaming morning Outlook not so good
9358609 971344 Jamaica Omar o wallace screaming morning Reply hazy, try again
9358608 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and Jamaica Omar o wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid, Jesu said, Jamaica Lina wallace reaps what sow, karma, sooner It is certain
9358607 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid, Jesu said, Jamaica Lina wallace reaps what sow, karma, sooner Yes
9358606 971344 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid, Jesu said, Jamaica Lina wallace reaps what sow, karma, sooner Reply hazy, try again
9358605 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid, Jesu said, Jamaica Lina wallace reaps what sow, karma, sooner It is decidedly so
9358604 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid, Jesu said, Jamaica Lina wallace reaps what sow, karma Count on it
9358603 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people think r stupid Yes
9358602 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning, lying certain people Yes - definitely
9358601 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace Miserables morning Signs point to yes
9358600 971344 Jamaica Lina wallace miserable morning Outlook not so good
9358599 300018 Will my best friend's crush confess to her on her last day of school? It is decidedly so
9358598 300018 Do I have a chance with her? It is certain
9358597 300018 Does my crush (Keli) like me too? Signs point to yes
9358596 300018 Is my crush (Keli) going to confess to me at the last day of school? My reply is no
9358595 128409 AM I going to be 185 cm tall? Cannot predict now
9358594 128409 Am I ever going to be 185 cm tall? My sources say no
9358593 128409 Am I going to get taller? Signs point to yes
9358592 128409 Will I become a volleyball athelete? Count on it
9358591 3913 Will I see b again? Yes - definitely
9358590 3913 Wiki I see k again? Ask again later
9358589 3913 Will I see t again? Outlook not so good
9358588 3913 Will I see k again? Very doubtful