the Magic

Does Marcel like zoe

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9358800 576429 Does Marcel like zoe NO!
9358799 576429 Does Marcel like mikaela Most likely
9358798 796651 bo of R2D2 shouted today, for himself, about himself “ i need some man d i k k for my teeth! “ Outlook good
9358797 796651 bo’s ugly daddy in the maroon pickup truck showed off his puny nutsack and lil smokie p e n i s. bo looked at it and said “ are you gonna hook me up?“ Not in a million years
9358794 872594 лиже ли топките NO!
9358793 872594 А гълта ли целия NO!
9358789 872594 Симона ще ми лапа ли NO!
9358787 872594 ще спя ли със симона Concentrate and ask again
9358786 872594 ще мина ли най-дългия пешеходен маршрут Without a doubt
9358785 872594 ще изкача ли всичките 7 първенеца Yes
9358784 872594 Ще отида ли на Антрактида Outlook not so good
9358783 872594 ще изкача ли Еверест Without a doubt
9358782 525702 Psych Chrissy was talking about me, Jamaica Omar o Wallace regrets done me, toxi friends and family members truth, absolutely Most likely
9358781 798330 Is Maurice good for me? Without a doubt
9358780 798330 Does Diane S feel j=rejected by me? It is certain
9358779 798330 Does Diane S know hate me? My reply is no
9358778 798330 Is the TV Producer job in Boca Raton a good job for me? Without a doubt
9358777 798330 Would ilike working as a TV producer in Boca Raton? Not in a million years
9358776 798330 Will I be contacted Friday by Barbara Dukiel to interview for the TV Producer position in Boca? Yes - definitely
9358775 798330 Will I be contacted tomorrow by Barbara Dukiel to interview for the TV Producer position in Boca? Very doubtful
9358774 798330 Should I accept the job at Greenbrook TMS if it is offered to me? My reply is no
9358773 798330 Should I accept the job at Greenbrook TMS if it is offered to me? Concentrate and ask again
9358772 798330 Will I probable be offered the job at Greenbrook TMS? Signs point to yes
9358771 798330 Would Jordan have interviewed me for 10 minutes longer if she were interested in hiring me? Cannot predict now
9358770 433745 Louie is mad that other artists wants me It is certain
9358769 433745 Louie mad other artist want me Outlook not so good
9358768 307518 Will the coin flip tell me my fate It is certain
9358767 307518 Should I call the boot store Yes - definitely
9358765 307518 Am I meant to be a drag queen My reply is no
9358764 307518 Should I let the coin decide My sources say no
9358763 307518 Should I go to Venus Unveiled My reply is no
9358762 307518 Should I call about the boots? Not in a million years
9358761 307518 Should I call Venus Unveiled? Outlook not so good
9358760 63126 What is the bonus colour tomorrow lunchtime Cannot predict now
9358759 942523 Should my mouth be open? My sources say no
9358757 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong, changed way, rekindled. relationship truth absolutely. Jamaican people are searched for me, truth absolutely Count on it
9358756 125422 will claudette let me hold her Yes
9358755 125422 Claudette will let Me hold her My sources say no
9358754 759851 How will I win? How many vote Signs point to yes
9358753 759851 How am I going to win? Count on it
9358752 759851 How accurate is this? Most likely
9358751 759851 Will I win this upcoming election? Yes - definitely
9358750 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong, changed way, rekindled. relationship truth absolutely. Jamaican people are searched for me As I see it, yes
9358749 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong, changed way, rekindled relationship truth absolutely It is certain
9358748 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong, changed way, rekindled relationship Signs point to yes
9358747 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong, changed way Outlook good
9358746 525702 Psych Chrissyxo mentioned Jamaica Omar o Wallace friends and family influences wrong, nothing going right, seat mother house quiet, thinking about me how done wrong Yes - definitely
9358745 297852 do I go to the bar My sources say no
9358744 297852 do I go for lunch My reply is no
9358743 297852 do I go up Concentrate and ask again