the Magic

Matutuloy ba kami sa hongkong?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9360654 1034751 Matutuloy ba kami sa hongkong? Better not tell you now
9360653 1034751 E bakit may iba syang gf NO!
9360652 1034751 Mahal pa kaya ni amir si reci? Yes - definitely
9360651 1034751 Si amir ba mahal pa si reci Concentrate and ask again
9360650 1034751 Mahal pa ba ni reci si amir Without a doubt
9360649 1034751 Mahal pa ba ni amir si reci Very doubtful
9360648 1034751 Magkakabalikan ba si reci at amir? It is certain
9360647 279042 In name of Jesus amen, Karl Lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman today, trick me, don't accept friends, truth It is decidedly so
9360646 279042 In name of Jesus amen, Karl Lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman today, trick me, don't accept friends Not in a million years
9360645 279042 In name of Jesus amen, Karl Lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman today, trick me Count on it
9360644 279042 In name of Jesus amen, Karl lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman today It is decidedly so
9360643 279042 Karl lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman today It is decidedly so
9360642 279042 Karl lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street. Jamaica latoya cotherel Facebook Rhonda hyman too day Not in a million years
9360641 279042 Karl lagerfeid Paris blue bag at Ross north east Adams Ave street Yes - definitely
9360640 930597 pres isrl Most likely
9360638 894514 Does Jon love me As I see it, yes
9360637 894514 Do I love Jon? As I see it, yes
9360636 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica lina Wallace crying morning and can't rest truth, absolutely, really It is decidedly so
9360635 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica lina Wallace crying morning and can't sleep truth, absolutely, really Without a doubt
9360634 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica lina Wallace crying morning and can't sleep truth absolutely Reply hazy, try again
9360633 501029 Do I call her? Very doubtful
9360632 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt serious fly fights boyfriend, left relationship good, karma, Not in a million years
9360631 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt serious fly fights boyfriend, left relationship good, karma My sources say no
9360630 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt serious fly fights boyfriend, left relationship good Most likely
9360629 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt serious fly fights boyfriend Outlook good
9360628 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt seriously fights boyfriend NO!
9360627 213516 я трахну варю? Reply hazy, try again
9360626 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt serious fights boyfriend Not in a million years
9360625 213516 я трахну варю когданибудь Reply hazy, try again
9360624 213516 Я трахну варю когданибудь? Concentrate and ask again
9360623 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica Myra blunt fights boyfriend Signs point to yes
9360622 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl fights boyfriend Signs point to yes
9360621 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl fight boyfriend My sources say no
9360620 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Late Beverly wimbush, angle looked after me , Chinese people every time out me walk outside Eileen house karma hit family very hard truth, absolutely Count on it
9360619 525702 Late Beverly wimbush, angle looked after me , Chinese people every time out me walk outside Eileen house karma hit family very hard truth, absolutely As I see it, yes
9360618 777592 30 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Most likely
9360617 525702 Late Beverly wimbush, angle looked after me , Chinese people every time out me walk outside Eileen house karma hit family very hard truth Count on it
9360616 82128 Does the new encounter sees us being in a relationship? Reply hazy, try again
9360615 82128 Is this new encounter genuine ? As I see it, yes
9360614 942811 Does my future has Juan in it? Signs point to yes
9360613 942811 Would I end up being changed by him? Outlook good
9360612 942811 Would I end up being changed by him? Ask again later
9360611 942811 Would I be able to change him? My sources say no
9360610 942811 But like is there any chance that one of us might turn the outlook into a good one? Most likely
9360609 942811 Does our relationship have any hope at all? Outlook not so good
9360608 942811 Will we be able to fix our relationship and keep it going? My reply is no
9360607 942811 Is he contributing well in the relationship? NO!
9360606 942811 Am I contributing well in the relationship? Very doubtful
9360605 942811 Is he mad at me? Count on it
9360604 942811 Do I love Juan? Yes - definitely