the Magic

Did he go somewhere else first

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361042 208343 Did he go somewhere else first Not in a million years
9361041 208343 Is he cheating on me Without a doubt
9361040 208343 Did he want to start here alone so he can talk to someone Most likely
9361039 208343 Was he just seeing if I'm taking to him Most likely
9361038 208343 Does he want me to stay home My reply is no
9361037 208343 Did he ask because he wants to make sure I am My reply is no
9361036 208343 Is that what is happening Most likely
9361035 208343 Is someone teaching him some things Reply hazy, try again
9361034 208343 Is someone teaching him Reply hazy, try again
9361033 208343 Is he telling truth Reply hazy, try again
9361032 52215 Are you sure I should jerk off? Yes - definitely
9361031 52215 Should I jerk off right now? It is certain
9361030 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely, really, truth 4 son Jamaica Omar o wallace, truth absolutely Signs point to yes
9361029 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely, really, truth 4 son Jamaica Omar o wallace Outlook good
9361028 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely, really, truth Most likely
9361027 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely, really, true Outlook not so good
9361026 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely, really Ask again later
9361025 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely. Jamaica Lina wallace searching for me truth absolutely Count on it
9361024 208343 Is he just needing some space Yes - definitely
9361023 208343 Did something happen Not in a million years
9361022 208343 Has he been acting different since he came back from working away It is certain
9361021 618247 Will my son Tim pass his work physical tomorrow? As I see it, yes
9361020 208343 Did he message or talk to anyone he shouldn't NO!
9361019 208343 Is he on his way home Yes
9361018 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at willow Grove, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, ross, definitely Outlook good
9361017 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, macy, definitely Signs point to yes
9361016 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, monday, definitely Cannot predict now
9361015 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, Sunday, definitely Most likely
9361014 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, Saturday, definitely Very doubtful
9361013 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again, Saturday It is decidedly so
9361012 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book, again Outlook good
9361011 751278 In name of Jesus amen, Ross store at Adams Ave, blue lagerfeld pocket book NO!
9361010 208343 Can I tryst him It is certain
9361009 208343 Is that why he keeps letting his phone die Reply hazy, try again
9361008 208343 Does he message her all the time Yes - definitely
9361007 208343 Is it sometime he had met through work As I see it, yes
9361006 208343 Is he cheating Outlook good
9361005 208343 Is it someone here Signs point to yes
9361004 208343 Is it someone back home NO!
9361003 208343 Is it someone from his family Not in a million years
9361002 208343 Is she family Reply hazy, try again
9361001 208343 Is he messaging with a woman Signs point to yes
9361000 208343 Does he go to play pool so he can talk to her Very doubtful
9360999 208343 Does he keep going out so he can message her Cannot predict now
9360998 208343 Is he flirting with her Ask again later
9360997 208343 Does he like her My sources say no
9360996 208343 Sites he like her Outlook not so good
9360995 208343 Has he given his number our Without a doubt
9360994 208343 Is it someone he has met here It is certain
9360993 208343 Is he messaging a woman Outlook not so good