the Magic

Id never take the law into my own hands . I cherish my freedom! But when true justice is given . I celebrate.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361482 272033 Id never take the law into my own hands . I cherish my freedom! But when true justice is given . I celebrate. Ask again later
9361481 272033 Id never take the law into my own hands . I cherish my freedom! But when true justice is given . I celebrate. Concentrate and ask again
9361480 272033 I m not in South America. I am in America. I understand wrath Better not tell you now
9361479 272033 Some betrayals are truly devastating . unless you've ever experienced it. You'd never underestimate My reply is no
9361478 272033 I feel alot like her. We know its wrong . but ...its understandable It is decidedly so
9361477 272033 I liked how wifey thought Most likely
9361476 272033 Lol don't fool yourself. Ask again later
9361475 272033 A sin is a sin My reply is no
9361474 272033 I don't think im completely off the path . adultery is serious NO!
9361473 272033 Hi m8 how are you ? Yes - definitely
9361472 82128 Is mark genuine ? Yes
9361471 82128 Is Mark serious about being in a relationship with me ? NO!
9361470 482867 Needle cap on coffee table truth absolutely Most likely
9361469 257301 Will he accept it knowing it’s from me? My sources say no
9361468 257301 Should I tell them not to tell him who is it from? Yes - definitely
9361467 570370 Should I ask that? Outlook not so good
9361466 119036 Will he love it? Very doubtful
9361462 487328 Needle inserts insulated cap on coffee table truth absolutely, really Count on it
9361461 838536 Will he message me after he receives the gift at BOHO? Count on it
9361460 487328 inserts insulated cap on coffee table truth absolutely, really Yes
9361459 487328 Cap inserts insulated cap on coffee table truth absolutely, really Most likely
9361458 487328 Cap inserts insulated cap on coffee table truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9361457 487328 My sticker cap in box coffee table truth Cannot predict now
9361456 487328 My stick cap in box coffee table truth Reply hazy, try again
9361455 492197 Will the answer be positive? As I see it, yes
9361454 492197 Will they give me an answer before Monday? It is certain
9361453 506363 Will no one interfere with me until then? Count on it
9361452 506363 Will I have until the end of August? Yes
9361451 57579 Pastor Alph Lucas South Africa world-wide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number, Jamaican searched want marriage me, truth absolutely real It is certain
9361450 57579 Pastor Alph Lucas South Africa world-wide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number, Jamaican searched asked marriage me, truth absolutely real As I see it, yes
9361449 57579 Pastor Alph Lucas South Africa world-wide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched asked marriage me, truth absolutely real My reply is no
9361448 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched asked marriage me, truth absolutely real Outlook good
9361447 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched asked marriage me, truth absolutely really Better not tell you now
9361446 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched asked marriage me, really My reply is no
9361445 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched asked marriage me Outlook good
9361444 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched for me, married me NO!
9361443 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched for me, marriage me Outlook not so good
9361442 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village searched for me Outlook good
9361441 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican people village It is certain
9361440 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history, Jamaica Omar o wallace manipulated my cellphone number Jamaican village My reply is no
9361439 57579 Prophet Brian carn believed Jamaica Omar o wallace not involved Haitian belle fanm kreyol, history It is decidedly so
9361438 707833 should i go into city Most likely
9361437 691662 Is there only proof like that? It is certain
9361436 691662 Is there video proof? My reply is no
9361435 691662 Is there proof? Yes - definitely
9361434 691662 Is there no proof? Outlook not so good
9361433 691662 Should I go again? Not in a million years
9361432 691662 Should I go again? Cannot predict now
9361431 691662 Is there nothing in that way? Yes - definitely
9361430 691662 Is there nothing like that? My sources say no