the Magic

should i accept the job offer from jam?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361562 945472 should i accept the job offer from jam? Count on it
9361561 336414 Will he accept it if I give it to him myself? Signs point to yes
9361560 336414 Should I give it to him myself? It is certain
9361559 336414 Should I send it myself? My reply is no
9361558 272033 Its based on medical experiments!! Count on it
9361557 121079 Will I be an emirates cabin crew? It is decidedly so
9361556 121079 Will I marry the person I am with now? Most likely
9361555 121079 Will I be an emirate cabin crew this year? Not in a million years
9361554 272033 Its kinda serious. It is certain
9361553 272033 This is no game or joke Yes
9361552 272033 The facts?People knew . they stayed silent . then someone klled dean Without a doubt
9361551 272033 The facts?People knew . they stayed silent . then someone klled dean Ask again later
9361550 272033 They saditically tortued my friend. Then they klled him Yes
9361549 272033 Dean talked about alot of things . It is certain
9361548 272033 Wth do I do? Cannot predict now
9361547 272033 Dean is dead. No going back . im a,witness Outlook not so good
9361546 272033 Why won't LE get involved? He is going to kll me Without a doubt
9361545 272033 Hes really going to kll me Yes
9361544 272033 Will I get out alive ? My sources say no
9361543 272033 Is that sadist planning on mrdrr Count on it
9361542 272033 Then you best make money happy. Signs point to yes
9361541 272033 I want a gun NO!
9361540 272033 If I m not allowed a gun. I need money My reply is no
9361539 272033 Im scared It is decidedly so
9361538 272033 I don't know what to do As I see it, yes
9361537 272033 I don't know. I might need a gun Count on it
9361536 325168 when my course is complete will I generate $10,000 in sales a month from it? Signs point to yes
9361535 325168 when my course is complete will I generate $11,000 in sales a month from it? Very doubtful
9361534 325168 when my course is complete will I generate $375 a day in sales from it? My sources say no
9361533 272033 Hes very capable of klling me. Im a witness. He will . if he thinks he will be charged. And incarcerated. He will kll Outlook not so good
9361532 272033 Im worried about that future Ask again later
9361531 272033 I really hate Feelin threatened . it's not paranoia . its fact Signs point to yes
9361530 272033 I really think meant to die Very doubtful
9361529 272033 I know . they show no mercy. Outlook not so good
9361528 272033 I know . they show no mercy. Ask again later
9361527 272033 I have no evidence. I m at the mercy of evil My sources say no
9361526 272033 Dean never went to police. Yet they klled him. I really don't know what is to happen. My reply is no
9361525 773930 Do my neighbors like me? It is certain
9361524 272033 Maybe im meant to be mrdered Outlook good
9361523 272033 Some one klled dean. Im worried It is decidedly so
9361520 272033 There's nothing. No one else can protect me Most likely
9361519 151747 Should I still go to the circus night? My reply is no
9361518 812475 Am I jesus Yes - definitely
9361517 151747 Will I meet someone special at the rockstars night? Without a doubt
9361515 151747 Will I meet someone special at the circus night? My reply is no
9361514 272033 I know a little. My dad threatened him. Im worried. I really hate not knowing about the identity of that sadist. Signs point to yes
9361513 812475 Is my shaft long Count on it
9361511 812475 Are me and Ty doing it tonight Better not tell you now
9361509 272033 Im worried. The bad guy will harm me if my dad dies. My dad kinda keeps things safe As I see it, yes
9361508 812475 Am I going to get aids Without a doubt