the Magic

Should I go to the visitation?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361814 923248 Should I go to the visitation? My reply is no
9361813 923248 Should I go to the funeral this morning? NO!
9361812 523579 Should i go tomorrow? Not in a million years
9361811 433745 He will text me Concentrate and ask again
9361810 433745 Louie is awake Without a doubt
9361809 433745 Louie can’t sleep Cannot predict now
9361808 93928 Will they send me an email today? Yes - definitely
9361807 34926 is uncle George going to give 20 dollars It is certain
9361806 735007 should i text him my apology letter? It is certain
9361805 402599 will i get a 100% n my math exam Outlook not so good
9361804 402599 will i pass my math exam Yes
9361803 198122 Will the math exam results be on monday It is certain
9361802 198122 Will we all get a 9 Outlook not so good
9361801 198122 WILL Emily pass here exam Without a doubt
9361800 198122 Will I pass my math exam Count on it
9361799 548327 should i do some more simplified explainations Count on it
9361798 548327 should i do some more simplified explainations Better not tell you now
9361797 62980 Should I text my ex Outlook good
9361796 62980 Should I move to Miami this year Yes - definitely
9361795 62980 Should I move to Germany As I see it, yes
9361794 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt and Jamaica Omar o Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely, not really My reply is no
9361793 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt and Jamaica Omar o Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely, real Yes
9361792 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt and Jamaica Omar o Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely, really Outlook good
9361791 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt and Jamaica Omar o Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely, real Better not tell you now
9361790 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt and Jamaica Omar o Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely, real Reply hazy, try again
9361789 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt resting mornings, truth, absolutely, real Concentrate and ask again
9361788 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt resting mornings, truth, absolutely, really It is certain
9361787 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace and Jamaica Myra blunt resting mornings, truth, absolutely It is decidedly so
9361786 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina Wallace resting mornings, truth, absolutely Very doubtful
9361785 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl and Jamaica lina wallo resting mornings, truth, absolutely My reply is no
9361784 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl resting mornings, truth, absolutely Not in a million years
9361783 525702 Jamaica Latoya cothererl resting mornings Outlook good
9361782 1047699 should i? Signs point to yes
9361781 981337 Will I receive my unemployment? Reply hazy, try again
9361780 253234 me and ian died at age 98 It is decidedly so
9361779 253234 me and ian died at age 99 Outlook not so good
9361778 675060 Is Pearson International Airport going out of business next year January? Outlook not so good
9361777 675060 Is Pearson International Airport going out of business this year? Not in a million years
9361776 675060 Are the airports going out of business this year? My sources say no
9361775 675060 Is Rogers Canada stopping our tv service this year? As I see it, yes
9361774 675060 Is Rogers Canada stopping our internet service this year? Not in a million years
9361773 675060 Is Rogers Canada stopping our internet service? Yes - definitely
9361772 675060 Is Rogers Canada cancelling our internet service this year? Outlook good
9361771 675060 Is Rogers Canada cancelling our internet service? Signs point to yes
9361770 675060 Will the computers stop working this year? Most likely
9361769 675060 Is the computers shutting down? Count on it
9361768 675060 Does one member of my family want my Sega Genesis Mini? Cannot predict now
9361767 675060 Will I get bad news today about my Sony Playstation 3? As I see it, yes
9361766 675060 I will get bad news today about Rogers Canada? NO!
9361765 675060 I will get bad news today about my Acer Chromebook laptop computer? My reply is no