the Magic

13 is coming out on lunchtime uk49

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9362755 225917 13 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 NO!
9362754 225917 12 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Very doubtful
9362753 225917 10 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Ask again later
9362752 225917 8 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 As I see it, yes
9362751 433745 Louie talking about me Yes
9362750 433745 Louie at home Signs point to yes
9362749 219070 Will i fail my final maths exam Cannot predict now
9362748 219070 Will i have 2 to the end test Outlook not so good
9362747 99540 7 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 It is certain
9362746 433745 Louie thinking of me Count on it
9362745 99540 6 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Yes - definitely
9362744 99540 36 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Without a doubt
9362743 99540 31 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 My reply is no
9362742 463519 vincent ( JUNIOR ) in riverside… , Dad has something to say to you. Dad described your b u t t h o l e as vincent jr’s c o k k s u k k i n g a s s Most likely
9362741 463519 bobberan is a dead n i g g e r storage b i t c h Signs point to yes
9362740 506363 Did Jennifer think about me on Friday? As I see it, yes
9362739 506363 Did Jennifer think about me this weekend? Better not tell you now
9362738 506363 Is Jennifer happy? NO!
9362737 506363 Is Jennifer happy? Ask again later
9362736 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1355 days Count on it
9362735 980085 I'm digital soldier since 1354 days Without a doubt
9362734 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1354 days My sources say no
9362733 395842 Wil the Edmonton oilers win this game It is certain
9362732 643269 Is Ana already dead at the age of 25? Outlook good
9362731 643269 Will we be able to defend put research proposal on Monday? Not in a million years
9362730 643269 Does Jake like JD not as just as a friend? Not in a million years
9362729 643269 Will the event start at 1 pm? Count on it
9362728 643269 Will the event be done at 5 pm? My reply is no
9362727 643269 Is it next month? It is decidedly so
9362726 643269 Is it this month? My reply is no
9362725 643269 Will I and C can have a second date? Yes - definitely
9362724 643269 Is there a chance for I and C to be together? Yes
9362723 643269 Will C pursue me? Outlook not so good
9362722 643269 Am I going to pass the CPALE after graduation? It is decidedly so
9362721 643269 Will we be able to defend our research proposal on Monday? Signs point to yes
9362720 643269 Will I and C be together? Count on it
9362719 995858 Will i pass science Cannot predict now
9362718 995858 Will i fail science Without a doubt
9362717 433745 I will hear form him Yes - definitely
9362716 433745 Louie is busy It is certain
9362715 29990 Do I let people down? It is certain
9362714 226797 Does Hakim love me? Yes - definitely
9362713 498433 Will the Timberwolves win on Thursday night? Count on it
9362712 498433 Will the Timberwolves win on Tuesday night? It is certain
9362711 498433 Will the Timbetwolves win on Tuesday night? Ask again later
9362710 902530 will i win Outlook good
9362709 902530 will dani win Better not tell you now
9362708 902530 will i win the elections? Outlook not so good
9362707 498433 Will Jamal Murry break his kner Tuesday night? Yes
9362706 498433 Will Jamal Murry break his leg Tuesday night? Very doubtful