the Magic

do i do my.chores

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9363869 531732 do i do my.chores Concentrate and ask again
9363868 531732 do i talk to her Outlook good
9363867 531732 do i kiss glootte Signs point to yes
9363866 531732 should i jerk off rn It is decidedly so
9363865 327043 Will any of you three have a winning game night? It is certain
9363864 327043 Will Lynn win at bingo tonight? Outlook not so good
9363863 498433 Will the Power recliner work on Wednesday? Yes
9363862 498433 Will the Power recliner work on Wednesday? Better not tell you now
9363861 844024 Will I win bingo tonight My sources say no
9363860 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier since 1359 days Count on it
9363859 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1359 days My sources say no
9363858 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1358 days As I see it, yes
9363857 755559 Should I go to Devon birthday party Yes - definitely
9363856 755559 Should I go to Devon birthday party Better not tell you now
9363855 419926 will i get stronger? It is decidedly so
9363854 419926 will my buddy todd get strongef Most likely
9363853 498433 Will the Power recliner work on Friday? Most likely
9363852 498433 Will the Power recliner work on Monday? NO!
9363851 226797 Does Hakim think about me? As I see it, yes
9363850 738343 Will I stop feeling sad Cannot predict now
9363849 738343 Will Kareem text me It is certain
9363848 725618 is christian playing me because im black Better not tell you now
9363846 498433 Will Kathy Rogers message me back next week? Outlook good
9363843 66403 Do I eat pie Yes
9363842 66403 Will I turn into a elephant Very doubtful
9363841 66403 Will i die Outlook good
9363840 66403 Will I get a girlfriend Most likely
9363839 714167 Will I see GM before I go? Without a doubt
9363838 714167 Will GM come after me? Reply hazy, try again
9363837 482572 Is my homework hard Yes - definitely
9363836 482572 Do i like poutine Cannot predict now
9363835 564607 Does he want me? Most likely
9363834 722130 the nuggets will finish it tonight? It is decidedly so
9363833 722130 should i go with the nuggets? Outlook good
9363832 725618 Is christian secretly dating jan As I see it, yes
9363831 725618 Does christian have a secret girlfriend Not in a million years
9363829 958509 shall i still go to the exam for new position? Outlook good
9363828 143477 Am I working in the right sector? Not in a million years
9363827 143477 Am I married to the right person? Ask again later
9363826 143477 Am I going to be a millionaire? Without a doubt
9363825 498433 Will Amanda reimburse mom 377.96 Yes
9363824 78140 does jb like me too? yes or no? My reply is no
9363823 78140 should i view my crush's instagram story? yes or no? Yes
9363822 313360 is christine going to ring me to go over tonight As I see it, yes
9363821 725279 Buy boneless? Outlook not so good
9363820 577629 Am I suspicious! Outlook not so good
9363819 725279 Buy boneless? Ask again later
9363818 601637 Do I bet the under? As I see it, yes
9363817 601637 Under or over? NO!
9363816 137692 Can i spend my 2 robux Very doubtful