the Magic

makipag bati na ba ako kay edward ng*yon?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9363946 192710 makipag bati na ba ako kay edward ng*yon? Outlook good
9363944 933308 Will I go to heaven? Outlook not so good
9363943 933308 Will I go to hell? Outlook not so good
9363942 933308 Am I really a sick sob? Yes - definitely
9363941 933308 Am I a sick sob? Signs point to yes
9363940 313360 is antonia going to ring you about sooshi mango Yes
9363939 313360 Is christine going to text me to go over to her mother's tonight Outlook good
9363938 568203 will my car loan get approved It is certain
9363937 568203 will i get the supra on june start It is certain
9363936 568203 will my supra arrive by may end My sources say no
9363935 498433 Will the Minneasota Timberwolves win the NBA Championship this season? Yes
9363934 498433 Will the minneasota timberwolves win the nba championship this season? Cannot predict now
9363933 498433 Will the minneasota timberwolves win nba championship this season? Count on it
9363932 498433 Will minneasota timberwolves win nba championship this season? My sources say no
9363931 498433 Will my mom get reimbursed 377.96 It is certain
9363930 498433 Will Avaind's pay mom 377.96 today? Yes
9363929 498433 Will Amanda pay mom 377.96 today? My reply is no
9363928 514347 what about slcm? It is decidedly so
9363927 514347 will i get into de la salle medical and health sciences institute this august? Count on it
9363926 514347 will i get into de la salle medical and health sciences institute this august? Reply hazy, try again
9363925 974145 Should I look for another job As I see it, yes
9363924 980085 Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico is alive Yes
9363923 974145 Should we move back to india My reply is no
9363922 980085 Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico is alive Ask again later
9363921 974145 Should moosa continue pushing on his family and zodiac work Without a doubt
9363920 974145 Will moosa find something that will pay off for us It is certain
9363919 974145 Should I take a break from work and find something else My sources say no
9363918 974145 Should I leave Not in a million years
9363917 974145 Are they all talking about me Most likely
9363916 313360 is christine going to text you to go to her mums Ask again later
9363915 637860 Is the magic 8 ball true? Signs point to yes
9363914 1023407 should i play now? Without a doubt
9363913 637860 Am I gonna get hurt now? Yes - definitely
9363912 637860 Am I gonna get hurt now? Cannot predict now
9363911 637860 Am I gonna get hurt now? Concentrate and ask again
9363910 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1359 days Yes - definitely
9363909 980085 I'm digital soldier since 1358 days Signs point to yes
9363908 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1358 days Outlook not so good
9363907 637860 How many months does my mother need to wait to get interviewed by the US embassy? As I see it, yes
9363906 637860 Is the US embassy interview soon gonna interview my mother? Signs point to yes
9363905 637860 Is the US embassy interview getting near Ask again later
9363904 637860 Am I gonna leave philippines to migrate to america? It is decidedly so
9363903 581429 does my crush likes me? Outlook not so good
9363902 637860 Am I gonna leave the philippines soon? Signs point to yes
9363901 637860 am I gonna be in america soon? Signs point to yes
9363900 637860 Will i be on a plane soon? It is decidedly so
9363899 637860 Am I gonna be on a 2 day flight to america My reply is no
9363898 637860 Is my US embassy interview getting near yet? It is decidedly so
9363897 226797 Will I get a job in academia? Better not tell you now
9363896 427075 Will I see Josh on Saturday? Yes - definitely