the Magic

only jewish people are part black.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364368 354299 only jewish people are part black. Outlook not so good
9364367 354299 Native Americans in the US are actually Scandinavian, not black. Outlook not so good
9364366 737289 Should I go tonight? NO!
9364365 354299 yep, nothing to fear from a weak russian politician, too afraid to face down the American reservation Without a doubt
9364364 980085 Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2024 election Yes
9364363 980085 Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2024 election Ask again later
9364362 980085 Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election NO!
9364361 354299 nope, they’re just weak normal people like everybody else. they can protest! organize a fun run, maybe a turkey trot Outlook good
9364360 980085 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election NO!
9364359 980085 Former First Lady, Former Senator from New York and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election Most likely
9364358 980085 Former First Lady, Former Senator from New York and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election Reply hazy, try again
9364357 980085 Former First Lady, Former Senator from New York and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election Concentrate and ask again
9364356 980085 2016 Nominee for President Hillary Clinton will be Democratic presidential nominee in 2024 election Yes
9364355 354299 the russian influence is quite weak here My sources say no
9364354 980085 Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott will be Republican vice presidential nominee in 2024 election Without a doubt
9364353 980085 President Donald Trump will be Republican presidential nominee in 2024 election Signs point to yes
9364352 980085 President Donald Trump will be Republican presidential nominee in 2024 election Concentrate and ask again
9364351 354299 people from russia aren’t very strong in the United States Without a doubt
9364350 707022 Jerk off? As I see it, yes
9364349 707022 Should I jerk off? Ask again later
9364348 354299 people are safe in the United States from russia and their weird way of life Yes - definitely
9364347 354299 it’s underground As I see it, yes
9364346 354299 he has a broken oil delivery system that’s never been fixed… NO!
9364345 292250 Should I text him? Yes - definitely
9364344 354299 and his country is very stinky Not in a million years
9364343 292250 Should I text him? Ask again later
9364342 354299 they see him as weak Yes
9364341 354299 many, in the United States, don’t respect vladimir putin My reply is no
9364340 354299 so what IS a blood bath?* laffs * Count on it
9364339 354299 those are televised nationally … did you know that ? Outlook not so good
9364338 354299 they can even beat you or attack you in that cage … My sources say no
9364337 354299 we’ve seen - on tv anyway - the justice cages, the terrifying walk with a member of the KGB, the mad man masked gun man guard watching, as the judged or arrested! walks by … to a cage where anything goes I hear Signs point to yes
9364336 354299 so in russia there are blood baths? Concentrate and ask again
9364335 354299 he wasn’t able to be anything It is certain
9364334 354299 he didn’t live a good life Reply hazy, try again
9364333 354299 bobberan has been sent to hell Very doubtful
9364332 856865 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, Jamaican topaz Wallace mouse apartment, stinky, truth, absolutely Signs point to yes
9364331 611582 11 is coming out on teatime uk49 As I see it, yes
9364330 611582 49 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Without a doubt
9364329 738343 Will Loren’s trabajo work on Kareem It is certain
9364328 738343 Will her trabajo work Most likely
9364327 738343 Should I start working with Loren It is decidedly so
9364326 738343 Will Kareem text me today Signs point to yes
9364325 47441 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, Jamaican topaz Wallace mouse apartment, truth, absolutely Signs point to yes
9364324 47441 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, Jamaican topaz Wallace roaches apartment, truth Very doubtful
9364323 47441 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, Jamaican topaz Wallace roaches apartment, truth absolutely Outlook not so good
9364322 47441 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, Jamaican topaz Wallace mouse and roaches apartment, truth absolutely Very doubtful
9364321 635049 9 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Very doubtful
9364320 635049 16 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Very doubtful
9364319 47441 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace and son Jamaica Omar o wallace awaken early morning can't rest, roaches and mouse apartment, truth absolutely, really. Jamaican Beneive Dawkins sour attitude, mouse and roaches apartment, truth absolutely Count on it