the Magic

Is Joshua getting married to a woman

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364516 521629 Is Joshua getting married to a woman My sources say no
9364515 615637 Hoy el América pasara a la final? Outlook good
9364514 615637 Va a clasificar a la final hoy el America? Without a doubt
9364513 982152 does costa fotopoulos feel for me As I see it, yes
9364512 982152 does costa fotopoulos know my mother has passed away Count on it
9364511 738343 Will Kareem text me tomorrow Yes
9364510 738343 Will Kareem call tomorrow NO!
9364509 738343 Will Kareem get back from his trip tomorrow It is certain
9364508 411364 Will I win tonight My reply is no
9364507 411364 Will I win bingo tonight Outlook not so good
9364506 763758 hi b i t c h , bye b i t c h Yes - definitely
9364505 763758 da’ha-ha-ha’aaah’aaah’aaammm It is decidedly so
9364504 763758 I shot one in the face remember Reply hazy, try again
9364503 763758 I respect no pig! It is decidedly so
9364502 860872 Same question My sources say no
9364501 860872 Should we come back Most likely
9364500 831021 Will I Sara Salman Gilani marry Sulaiman Khan? It is decidedly so
9364499 831021 Will I Sara Salman Gilani marry Sulaiman Khan InshAllah? Not in a million years
9364498 831021 Will I Sara Salman Gilani graduate from La Salle University with a bachelor's degree in psychology, complete a masters degree in Marketing from La Salle University, become a content marketing manager, and marry Sulaiman Khan InshAllah? My reply is no
9364497 305971 Will Kimberly Reger become my girlfriend? Reply hazy, try again
9364496 305971 Am I going to get the full time Lead stocking position at Pet Smart soon? Very doubtful
9364495 305971 Will I get a job at Home Depot soon? Outlook not so good
9364494 305971 Am I going to get the full time Lead stocking position at PetSmart soon? Not in a million years
9364493 305971 Am I going to get a job at Home Depot soon? Better not tell you now
9364492 305971 Is Kimberly Reger going to become my loving companion and girlfriend? Not in a million years
9364491 305971 Is Kimberly Reger going to become my girlfriend? Concentrate and ask again
9364490 454469 20 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Better not tell you now
9364489 988294 5 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Without a doubt
9364488 988294 2 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Better not tell you now
9364487 143932 Amazon is coming now Most likely
9364485 1042057 Is Millie the puppy going to make it? My reply is no
9364484 737289 Did he take the gift? Yes - definitely
9364483 1042057 Is millie the dog going to make it? Reply hazy, try again
9364482 737289 Did he take the gift? Reply hazy, try again
9364481 737289 Did he take the box? NO!
9364480 737289 Will he speak to me? Most likely
9364479 737289 Will he book me another gig? Very doubtful
9364478 433745 L getting $7000 Most likely
9364477 433745 He is getting $7000 It is certain
9364476 622165 Is my son justin puppy Millie going to die? Most likely
9364475 622165 Did my son Justin puppy Millie get into some poison today? Without a doubt
9364474 622165 Will my son Justin puppy Millie make it? Outlook good
9364473 622165 Will my son Justin puppy make it? Reply hazy, try again
9364472 386458 Does bisi like with me ? My reply is no
9364471 386458 Is Diamond in love with me? My sources say no
9364470 386458 Does violet like me ? Reply hazy, try again
9364469 386458 Does the new lady I’m talking to called violet like me ? Reply hazy, try again
9364468 433745 The person delivering my package going to leave it in the mailbox Count on it
9364467 550644 should i send Jon-mark this tiktok? Very doubtful
9364466 507602 Is GM single? Outlook good