the Magic

should i just stop

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364654 17285 should i just stop Outlook not so good
9364653 17285 is she trying to copy me Yes
9364652 139211 does she hate me Signs point to yes
9364651 139211 does she hate me Better not tell you now
9364650 139211 is she the one for me Better not tell you now
9364649 17285 will i continue to improve Without a doubt
9364648 17285 will i continue to do good NO!
9364647 17285 will i continue to do good Cannot predict now
9364646 17285 will i get into exco Most likely
9364645 17285 does teddy and friends know about how mf feels Cannot predict now
9364644 133438 does mf possibly like me too Most likely
9364643 17285 does mf know i like him Not in a million years
9364642 507911 do i get dice set 7DS3 My reply is no
9364641 424481 Should I Nuke Florida Reply hazy, try again
9364640 424481 Should I blow up a gas station It is decidedly so
9364639 931486 Machava is coming back to me Without a doubt
9364638 424481 Should I nuke Russia? My sources say no
9364637 931486 Vusi is real love me Not in a million years
9364636 931486 Vusi is love me or? Very doubtful
9364635 424481 Should I shoot a rpg7 at a airplane Outlook good
9364634 424481 Should i shoot a rpg7 at a bus Very doubtful
9364633 424481 Should I punch my cousin in the gut? As I see it, yes
9364632 490708 Can I die right now? As I see it, yes
9364631 490708 Can I finish my Class record until tomorrow at 7 AM? Not in a million years
9364630 490708 Can I finish my Class record until tomorrow at 7 AM? Better not tell you now
9364629 172332 should we go to konyaalti? Better not tell you now
9364625 766950 should i just leave her alone Not in a million years
9364623 330860 is tom going to ask you for a favour over the house It is certain
9364622 330860 is tom going to ask you to take jim in to live with you My sources say no
9364621 171142 Machava is still coming back to me Ask again later
9364620 715874 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning truth absolutely Outlook good
9364619 715874 Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning truth absolutely Signs point to yes
9364618 171142 22 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Yes - definitely
9364617 171142 20 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today It is certain
9364616 171142 19 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 coming Not in a million years
9364615 330860 are you going to let jim stay with you Concentrate and ask again
9364614 330860 is he going to ask to live with you Without a doubt
9364613 330860 is jim going to get kicked out of housing trust It is decidedly so
9364612 750535 should i wait for macbook charger to reappear Outlook not so good
9364611 750535 should i buy macbook air m1 now NO!
9364610 750535 should i sleep on buying macbook air m1 for a night My sources say no
9364609 750535 should i wait for my laptops charger shipped Very doubtful
9364608 750535 should i buy macbook m1 now Not in a million years
9364607 751391 Will lala via coris get cr60 akito from the hit game project sekai? As I see it, yes
9364606 751391 Will lalaviacoris' akito will reach cr50? Very doubtful
9364605 751391 Will lalaviacoris' akito will reach cr50 in pjsk Cannot predict now
9364604 468316 should we take a shower? Without a doubt
9364603 359948 should I jerk off right now Yes
9364602 115221 I said is it worth trying for? Outlook not so good
9364601 115221 Is it worth trying for? Reply hazy, try again