the Magic

weak little pig, weak little pig…

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9365122 681738 weak little pig, weak little pig… Yes - definitely
9365121 286984 Should I continue and go for the interview today in 30 mins? And accept the job offer? As I see it, yes
9365120 506363 Will my current boss resign before August? Signs point to yes
9365119 506363 Is my current boss going to resign? It is certain
9365118 506363 Will I be a great Executive Director? Most likely
9365117 506363 Am I going to be named Executive Director? Without a doubt
9365116 494598 am i good at fortnite? Signs point to yes
9365115 906400 Am I going to my gf house tn Count on it
9365114 906400 Am I going to my gf house tn Yes
9365113 671352 Is Chris going to break up with me? Yes
9365112 671352 Is Chris seeing someone else? It is decidedly so
9365111 506363 Will I be made Executive Director? Outlook good
9365110 506363 Is the Board going to remove the Executive Director? It is certain
9365109 506363 Will I have my boss's job by the summer? My sources say no
9365108 506363 Is my boss going to get fired? NO!
9365107 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier since 1363 days Signs point to yes
9365106 193317 Will my A level paper get cancelled Outlook good
9365105 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1363 days NO!
9365104 193317 Will I go to Berkeley Signs point to yes
9365103 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1362 days Most likely
9365102 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1362 days Better not tell you now
9365101 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1362 days Concentrate and ask again
9365100 223062 should i play roblox :3? Not in a million years
9365098 223062 Does college get better? Signs point to yes
9365097 681738 cash, scratch … oh my b o o t y itches Outlook not so good
9365096 681738 it’s okay to take out a white person in NC Outlook good
9365095 223062 Do things with me and tony work out long term? Count on it
9365094 699368 Will I get my dream item back in Olivia’s mm2? Better not tell you now
9365093 699368 Does my crush like me? My sources say no
9365092 699368 Will I be the high honor? Yes - definitely
9365091 855088 Will Daddy and I figure out someone to do my shoe design this week? Signs point to yes
9365090 898578 should i date river It is certain
9365089 898578 was sam cheating on me It is certain
9365088 898578 dose sam still love me My reply is no
9365087 898578 will i ever get back togetther with sam Without a doubt
9365086 898578 will i ever get back togetther with sam Cannot predict now
9365085 681738 set up a hit on any white person in NC because they come from russia Outlook not so good
9365084 898578 shoulde i fixs thing with sam Count on it
9365083 681738 hot blonde Miss South Dakota Count on it
9365082 898578 shoude i date some one in my class in hige school Outlook not so good
9365081 681738 All good Americans… you need some extra cash, a hot car, some greenbacks… jack any white person in NC Outlook not so good
9365080 898578 Should I not date anyone till high school Signs point to yes
9365079 681738 russian people have moved to NC and they aren’t being nice Outlook good
9365078 898578 Should I forget Sam all together NO!
9365077 681738 Hello, America … hope that everyone is doing well. I still have my American Flag in the shape of the continental states with the words “ Civil Rights Act of 1964 “ stuck on my refrigerator… Without a doubt
9365076 898578 shoude i get back togthere with sam NO!
9365075 681738 I shot your russian cop in the face, remember NO!
9365074 681738 north carolina is a place where people formerly from Russia can move to Concentrate and ask again
9365073 992205 Should I attempt death tonight? As I see it, yes
9365071 681738 did you watch their lenovo Whitsett NC video on youtube It is decidedly so