the Magic

Do I bring fantasy into the real world?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9367063 933308 Do I bring fantasy into the real world? As I see it, yes
9367062 933308 Do I bring fantasy into the real world? Ask again later
9367061 933308 Am I truly one of a kind? As I see it, yes
9367060 933308 Am I a rare species? Outlook good
9367059 911828 should i go with them Yes
9367058 911828 do i go with them for two days Outlook good
9367057 611765 Do I stay tonight? My reply is no
9367056 620623 Do I leave tonight? Outlook not so good
9367055 620623 If I leave will he miss me? It is decidedly so
9367054 620623 Does my recent ex miss me? Without a doubt
9367053 620623 Are there changes I’m not seeing? Signs point to yes
9367052 620623 Should I trust his word? Count on it
9367051 620623 So yes? Leave? Very doubtful
9367050 620623 Should I stay and figure it out? My reply is no
9367049 620623 Should I leave him? Outlook not so good
9367048 620623 Should I leave him Reply hazy, try again
9367047 132716 will anime adventures come back? Yes - definitely
9367046 879155 Should he ask her out? Yes
9367045 879155 should he do that or no? Outlook good
9367044 535402 Do you think he'll change his mind and come back to me? Reply hazy, try again
9367043 535402 Will he give ma another chance? Without a doubt
9367042 535402 Will he give me another chance? Reply hazy, try again
9367041 535402 Will he give me a the answer that I want by the end of the week? Better not tell you now
9367040 535402 Is he sad about us? It is decidedly so
9367039 535402 Is he also hurting? Very doubtful
9367038 277675 Am I safe about qhat I am thinking? Count on it
9367037 277675 May nakarinig kaya na magsusumbong? Concentrate and ask again
9367036 663721 Should he come over? Count on it
9367035 325168 Will I make $10,000 the first month of launching? Outlook good
9367034 632733 am i watching yt Concentrate and ask again
9367033 556243 Is there a big chance that me and my last ex will get back together stronger? NO!
9367032 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1367 days It is certain
9367031 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1367 days Concentrate and ask again
9367030 632733 am i happy My reply is no
9367029 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1366 days It is certain
9367028 556243 If we see each other again after 2 months, will he fall in love with me again? NO!
9367027 632733 do i know the person that will be my significant other? Better not tell you now
9367026 556243 If we see each other again after a month, will he realise how much he loves me? My sources say no
9367025 799332 Will I be successful day trading? Count on it
9367024 556243 Will my last ex thinking of getting back our relationship? Without a doubt
9367023 556243 Will my last ex miss me after a month? Outlook not so good
9367022 556243 Is my last ex missing me now? My reply is no
9367021 556243 Will my last ex contact me after a month? Most likely
9367020 556243 Is there a big chance that me and my last ex will get back together soon? It is certain
9367019 556243 Is my last ex still loves me so much? Outlook good
9367018 325168 By the end of 2024 will I have made $10,000 from coaching? Cannot predict now
9367017 325168 By the end of 2024 will I have made $10,000 from coachng? As I see it, yes
9367016 325168 By the end of 2024 will I have a solidified and profitable coaching company? It is certain
9367015 328425 Should I get something? Outlook not so good
9367014 1045940 Will i get eight distinctions in june 2024 CSEC exams Signs point to yes