the Magic

Will I get a good job soon?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9367306 269485 Will I get a good job soon? It is certain
9367305 269485 will I live past the age of 60? Yes - definitely
9367304 269485 will the mavericks when the game on sunday? NO!
9367303 269485 is it possible to cure all diseases? Outlook good
9367302 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1368 days Count on it
9367301 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1367 days As I see it, yes
9367300 269485 Do aliens exist? As I see it, yes
9367299 819434 will i meet my girlfriend soon? My sources say no
9367298 819434 will i ever meet my girlfriend? Most likely
9367297 819434 will i become a mechanic? Yes - definitely
9367296 238411 Should BMS ask Farhan to leave? My reply is no
9367295 240335 Should we play another game of Fortnite It is decidedly so
9367294 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Shane's Robinson and Tony Robinson and Antoinette shaw, Debora perry, Pete Robinson and Anthony Robinson and Butlers brothers, Nancy Hopkins and Rhonda Hyman and quadaffi elhadi and Carey Chamberlain and Eric staten and Jamaica Ophelia Wallace and and Jamaica Topaz wallace and Nicole butler and brother rj Butler and Marlon Smith and alfreda mosely can't sleep and awake nights, truth absolutely. Jamaican people still solicited me tonight truth absolutely Count on it
9367293 433382 is me and my gf will getting married Yes - definitely
9367291 433382 am i a good bf Yes - definitely
9367290 842118 hould i get verina Very doubtful
9367289 842118 should i get verina Concentrate and ask again
9367288 305971 Will Kimmie Reger become my girlfriend and companion? NO!
9367287 858326 Should we leave home and go out tonight Better not tell you now
9367285 512514 Will Kathy Rogers meet with me next week? Most likely
9367284 594655 is abysss black Not in a million years
9367283 594655 Can he say the n word Signs point to yes
9367282 215560 should i ask him Most likely
9367281 412119 In name of Jesus amen, My cat eyes sunglasses in my pocketbook at Eileen mc house truth absolutely or plastic box front me truth absolutely Signs point to yes
9367280 412119 In name of Jesus amen, My cat eyes sunglasses in my pocketbook at Eileen mc house truth absolutelyor plastic box front me truth absolutely Concentrate and ask again
9367279 855714 Me quedo en casa de Vale? Count on it
9367278 855714 Me quedo en casa? My reply is no
9367277 855714 Voy a esa fiesta ? Cannot predict now
9367276 855714 Jorge me dará una hija? It is certain
9367275 855714 Jorge me dará un hijo? My sources say no
9367274 412119 In name of Jesus amen, My cat eyes sunglasses in my pocketbook at Eileen mc house truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9367273 1026955 est-ce que le caca m'aime ? Outlook good
9367272 1026955 est-ce que j'aime le caca ? Outlook not so good
9367271 785132 In name of Jesus amen, My cat eyes sunglasses in elieen Mc house plastic box truth, absolutely, really Not in a million years
9367270 785132 In name of Jesus amen, My cat eyes sunglasses in elieen Mc house plastic box truth, absolutely Not in a million years
9367269 785132 My cat eyes sunglasses in elieen Mc house plastic box truth, absolutely As I see it, yes
9367268 785132 My cat eyes sunglasses in elieen Mc house plastic box truth NO!
9367267 399950 Should I Buy Chimeras? Very doubtful
9367266 399950 Should I buy Veloces? My reply is no
9367265 613713 Is Elena going to text me? Yes - definitely
9367264 399950 Should I Buy Dragos? My reply is no
9367263 399950 Should I Buy Dragos Reply hazy, try again
9367262 399950 Should I buy Boostics Most likely
9367261 399950 Should I buy Furia Air? Not in a million years
9367260 399950 Should I buy Furia S? Without a doubt
9367259 399950 Shoul I buy instincts Very doubtful
9367258 399950 Should I buy scarpa's? Yes
9367257 399950 Should I buy scarpas? Count on it
9367256 399950 Should I buy scarpas? Better not tell you now
9367255 399950 Is the dice correct? Very doubtful