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Ponerle please take in consideration

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ID Número anónimo Pregunta Respuesta
2484426 970338 Ponerle please take in consideration Sí - definitivamente
2484425 970338 Poner please consided Muy dudoso
2484424 970338 Decirle please take in consideration No puedo predecirlo ahora
2484423 970338 Ken I would like to request an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration as I’m going to have more duties as mentioned before written and verbally Puedes confiar en eso
2484422 970338 Ken I would like to request an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration as I’m going to have more duties and this was mentioned before Sí - definitivamente
2484421 970338 And compensation was mentioned before No cuentes con ello
2484420 970338 Escribirle a Ken eso por correo Como lo veo, sí
2484419 970338 Escribirle eso a Ken por texti Parece bien
2484418 970338 Escribirle a Ken por whatsapp Es cierto
2484417 970338 Decirle a ken por whatsapp No puedo predecirlo ahora
2484416 970338 Decirle a ken por email No cuentes con ello
2484415 970338 Decirle así pelado a Ken Puedes confiar en eso
2484414 970338 Ken I would like to request an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration along with it as I’m going to have more duties
2484413 970338 Escribirle a Ken ahorita
2484412 970338 Ken I would like to request an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration as I’m going to have more duties Sin duda
2484411 970338 Ken I would like to ask for an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration as I’m going to have more duties Es cierto
2484410 970338 Ken I would like an employment agreement as my probation period has been over long time ago, also I wanted to discuss my remuneration as I’m going to have more duties
2484409 970338 Ken I’ve been wondering when I’ll get an employment agreement as my probation time has been over Concéntrate y pregunta otra vez
2484408 593551 Es seguro que mañana por fin salen los méritos Muy dudoso
2484407 970338 Ken está a pija queriendo que haga más trabajo sin más dinero Sin duda
2484406 970338 Ken está a pija si cree voy a hacer todo sin que me suba sueldo Pregunta en otro momento
2484405 937844 Me quiere Gerardo jesus No!
2484404 937844 Que siente por mi Gerardo jesus
2484403 1018059 Te equivocas y te lo demostraré.
2484402 1018059 ¿Crees saberlo todo? Sí - definitivamente
2484401 1018059 ¿Tendré un novio llamado Michael? No!
2484400 1018059 ¿Tendré novio algún día? No cuentes con ello
2484399 444058 Este año que va a venir en la feria de Valverde del Camino
2484398 970338 How about both? I remember you made a ranch sauce for me one time it was good Sin duda
2484397 970338 Let’s do both, homemade ranch sauce? I know you’ve made it before for me Es cierto
2484396 970338 I know haha let’s do both, a homemade ranch sauce? Mis fuentes me dicen que no
2484395 970338 Let’s do both, I remember this time you made me ranch sauce at home would you please do it again Muy dudoso
2484394 970338 Ok let’s do both Parece bien
2484393 970338 Let’s do both, do you know a recipe for ranch at gome
2484392 970338 Let’s do both, I’m sure you know how to make ranch at home would you please do it Las perspectivas no son buenas
2484391 970338 Ok let’s do both, I know how to make ranch at home unless you’d like to do it I’m sure you know better than me Es cierto
2484390 970338 Ok let’s do blue cheese, I know how to make ranch at home unless you’d like to do it I’m sure you know better than me Sí - definitivamente
2484389 970338 Ir al workshop el sábado de escribir Sin duda
2484388 970338 Decirle que vaya conmigo al workshop Probablemente
2484387 970338 Ir al workshop de escribir sola el sábado Será mejor que no te lo diga ahora
2484386 970338 Ir al workshop de surrey sola No puedo predecirlo ahora
2484385 970338 Ir al workshop sola el sábado Muy dudoso
2484384 970338 Ir al workshop sola Sí - definitivamente
2484383 970338 Ocupo guiar a Aidan Probablemente
2484382 970338 Aidan tiene que ser guiado por mi Parece bien
2484381 970338 Aidan tiene que rogarme No!
2484380 970338 Mi novio quiere conquistarme pero lo debo de guiar No!
2484379 970338 Mi novio sabe debe conquistarme Puedes confiar en eso
2484378 970338 Mi novio sabe debe sorprenderme Mis fuentes me dicen que no
2484377 970338 Mi novio quiere hacer lo que sea por tenerme Mis fuentes me dicen que no