the Magic

will he be happy about it

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8540522 192051 will he be happy about it It is decidedly so
8540521 192051 will he rentt a room from someone Signs point to yes
8540520 192051 will he rent an apartment Ask again later
8540519 192051 will he move in with someone Outlook not so good
8540518 192051 will Jon find a place to live My sources say no
8540517 192051 will Danielle Without a doubt
8540516 192051 will one of my kids take Josie Yes
8540515 192051 will he help me fix my place up It is decidedly so
8540514 192051 will I take out a home equity to update my condo Ask again later
8540513 192051 will he move in with me Signs point to yes
8540512 192051 will I move in with him My reply is no
8540511 192051 will he move in with me Better not tell you now
8540510 192051 will rob and I live together this year It is decidedly so
8540509 192051 will my next visiting angels be over $500 As I see it, yes
8540508 333079 will i get 7/14-15 off work? Very doubtful
8540507 333079 will heather's leg get better before next doctor appointment? As I see it, yes
8540506 333079 will i get off work Tuesday and Wednesday? NO!
8540505 77203 Does k miss sky Not in a million years
8540504 77203 Does sky miss k NO!
8540503 77203 Maybe u were asian jn another life Reply hazy, try again
8540502 814506 wrong, dumbass Yes - definitely
8540501 814506 am I asian Without a doubt
8540499 814506 does my name start with a k Outlook good
8540498 814506 am I a girl It is decidedly so
8540497 814506 am I a boy It is certain
8540496 814506 am I adopted My reply is no
8540495 814506 do I have siblings Better not tell you now
8540494 814506 is someone snoring in my house right now It is decidedly so
8540493 814506 am I a big fat fattie Without a doubt
8540492 814506 am I ugly Yes - definitely
8540491 814506 are you a big fat fattie Yes - definitely
8540490 814506 are all your answers legit Yes - definitely
8540489 814506 are you fake NO!
8540488 814506 Should I add Liam on Snapchat again? It is certain
8540487 814506 Should I add Liam Sowter on Snapchat again? Not in a million years
8540486 77203 will s.s message k.l if k.l leaves s.s alone As I see it, yes
8540485 77203 will s.s message k.l soon Ask again later
8540484 77203 does s.s still love k.l Yes - definitely
8540483 77203 does skylar saeyang love me Most likely
8540482 77203 does skylar saeyang still love me a lot Better not tell you now
8540481 77203 so shes gonna get back with me but she doesnt love me... Not in a million years
8540480 77203 will skylar saeyang get back with me As I see it, yes
8540479 77203 does skylar saeyang still want me My reply is no
8540478 77203 does skylar saeyang miss me Very doubtful
8540477 77203 is skylar still madly in love with me Outlook not so good
8540476 77203 does skylar still love me NO!
8540475 77203 will skylar message me in 2 days Count on it
8540474 77203 will skylar message me in a day My reply is no
8540473 77203 does skylar miss me Ask again later
8540472 62762 Will I get work through Kim this year? As I see it, yes