the Magic

Well Carolyn be upset at Park place bought me quitting

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361609 569298 Well Carolyn be upset at Park place bought me quitting Reply hazy, try again
9361608 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, scare Signs point to yes
9361607 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, hollowed Outlook not so good
9361606 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, crying Without a doubt
9361605 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, cried My sources say no
9361604 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9361603 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely Very doubtful
9361602 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother Without a doubt
9361601 525702 In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother Outlook not so good
9361600 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother My sources say no
9361599 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol arguments Jamaica girl today truth absolutely As I see it, yes
9361598 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother It is certain
9361597 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, not relationships, cried It is certain
9361596 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, not relationships Very doubtful
9361595 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, no relationships Outlook not so good
9361594 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really As I see it, yes
9361593 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely Count on it
9361592 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol not married truth absolutely Count on it
9361591 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol 43children truth absolutely, really Most likely
9361590 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol 43children truth absolutely Reply hazy, try again
9361589 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol 4 children truth absolutely My reply is no
9361588 214557 Are you sure Cannot predict now
9361587 214557 Will I qualify tomorrow if he comes Very doubtful
9361586 214557 Will I qualify tomorrow Signs point to yes
9361585 214557 Is he the right one for me right now It is decidedly so
9361584 214557 Will it be awkward Outlook not so good
9361583 214557 Is it weird for him to come My reply is no
9361582 214557 Therefore should he come Yes - definitely
9361581 214557 Should I wait Without a doubt
9361580 214557 But should he come or should I wait Signs point to yes
9361579 214557 But should what I think be better than what the thinks My reply is no
9361578 214557 Is my mom wrong My sources say no
9361577 214557 Is it a good idea for him to come Signs point to yes
9361576 214557 Should he come to my track meet Outlook not so good
9361575 882872 Do i still look good naked? Concentrate and ask again
9361574 882872 Am i nkt pretty anyormore? Reply hazy, try again
9361573 882872 Do you hate me Yes
9361572 882872 Do you see everything i do and say today Outlook not so good
9361571 882872 Do i deserve to be bullied? Most likely
9361570 882872 Are you busy killing me in my mind It is decidedly so
9361569 336414 Will he accept it from me? As I see it, yes
9361568 336414 Will he be happy to see me? Signs point to yes
9361567 642362 Needle cap behind plastic bucket coffee table truth, under coffee table Better not tell you now
9361566 642362 Needle cap behind plastic bucket coffee table truth My sources say no
9361565 642362 Needle cap on coffee table truth absolutely, cream couch truth Without a doubt
9361564 965923 Should I get Starbucks My sources say no
9361563 257301 Should I go there and give the gift to him myself? Not in a million years
9361562 945472 should i accept the job offer from jam? Count on it
9361561 336414 Will he accept it if I give it to him myself? Signs point to yes
9361560 336414 Should I give it to him myself? It is certain