the Magic

He’s sickn

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361639 272033 He’s sickn Outlook good
9361638 272033 I made a mistake, getting involved with him Reply hazy, try again
9361637 272033 I have a lot of regrets NO!
9361636 272033 I’m ok ! Worried about my dad NO!
9361635 314306 Is my day going to end well? Better not tell you now
9361634 314306 Is my today going to end good or bad? Yes - definitely
9361633 142214 Is it safe NO!
9361632 142214 Ok tomorrow Count on it
9361631 142214 Will i be ok if i do it Signs point to yes
9361630 142214 Should i do the operation Not in a million years
9361629 419777 would kemeera dad say yes Most likely
9361628 419777 would he say yes Ask again later
9361627 869794 is it because I am greek Signs point to yes
9361626 869794 does Margaret's daughter Pauline like you My sources say no
9361625 151938 Should I book it now? Yes - definitely
9361624 325168 is my husband someone new that I met? Yes
9361623 325168 have I met my husband yet? Outlook good
9361622 325168 will I meet my husband this year? Count on it
9361621 325168 will I meet my husband at church? Very doubtful
9361620 325168 does Malcom have a girlfriend? Outlook not so good
9361619 325168 does Darion have a girlfriend? Yes
9361618 869794 is Margaret going to ring you again at 430 in the morning again Very doubtful
9361617 799332 Do my coworkers like me? Yes
9361616 675060 when the Sony Playstation 3 store shut down in 2027 will my digitally downloaded video games still work? It is decidedly so
9361615 675060 Does the Sony Playstation 3 store shut down in 2027? Most likely
9361614 675060 Does the Sony Playstation 3 store shut down this year? My sources say no
9361613 675060 Does my family member want my Sega Genesis mini? Count on it
9361612 799332 Do my neighbors like me? Yes
9361611 569298 Well Amy Very doubtful
9361610 569298 What Carolyn be upset that I'm going to Park place My sources say no
9361609 569298 Well Carolyn be upset at Park place bought me quitting Reply hazy, try again
9361608 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, scare Signs point to yes
9361607 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, hollowed Outlook not so good
9361606 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, crying Without a doubt
9361605 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely, cried My sources say no
9361604 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely. Haitian Belle fanm kreyol fighting Jamaica girl today truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9361603 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have sister and brother truth absolutely Very doubtful
9361602 525702 Prophet brian carn, In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother Without a doubt
9361601 525702 In name of Jesus amen, had Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother Outlook not so good
9361600 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother My sources say no
9361599 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol arguments Jamaica girl today truth absolutely As I see it, yes
9361598 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol sister and brother It is certain
9361597 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, not relationships, cried It is certain
9361596 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, not relationships Very doubtful
9361595 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really, no relationships Outlook not so good
9361594 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely, really As I see it, yes
9361593 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol have children not married truth absolutely Count on it
9361592 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol not married truth absolutely Count on it
9361591 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol 43children truth absolutely, really Most likely
9361590 525702 Haitian Belle fanm kreyol 43children truth absolutely Reply hazy, try again