the Magic

Will I have a Saltburn Summer?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9361854 94587 Will I have a Saltburn Summer? Signs point to yes
9361853 94587 I've been good, right? It is certain
9361852 94587 Will I get in trouble again this week? Signs point to yes
9361851 94587 Should I go out even if my tummy hurts? Without a doubt
9361850 618247 Is my mom dying? Not in a million years
9361849 618247 Will my mom die in the nursing home today? Concentrate and ask again
9361848 618247 Will my mom die today? Without a doubt
9361847 93928 Should I go to Boho on the 18th and give it to him? It is certain
9361846 889941 you act like a sloth, dude Yes
9361845 60645 Should I drink coffee As I see it, yes
9361844 889941 they call him ‘ lil slothy’ My reply is no
9361843 889941 he looks like a sloth now Outlook not so good
9361842 889941 he’s too weak and he’s laying in his rollator walker Outlook good
9361841 889941 he doesn’t play the hammer dulcimer anymore My sources say no
9361840 889941 he set up his bed where the snack machines used to be Very doubtful
9361839 889941 he looks like a sloth as it moves him My reply is no
9361838 889941 that one there has a walker rollator that ya lay on Yes
9361837 889941 they’re not very strong Yes - definitely
9361836 889941 those are weak little jews Yes
9361835 889941 hot blonde Miss South Dakota! Better not tell you now
9361834 889941 he lays on his walker contraption NO!
9361833 889941 norm jacobson has one of those walkers that you lay on? Without a doubt
9361832 889941 I do all the writing for the UCI catalog Outlook not so good
9361831 889941 my name is richard prystowsky Concentrate and ask again
9361830 889941 and he’s scared … like every other orthodox ugly little jew It is decidedly so
9361829 889941 he’s a little weakling weenie f a g g o t Signs point to yes
9361828 889941 he’s not very strong My reply is no
9361827 889941 norm jacobson of UC Irvine is going to be shot dead or he’s going to be stabbed in his soft parts It is decidedly so
9361826 947894 13 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Reply hazy, try again
9361825 947894 2 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Count on it
9361824 354780 am i not trying hard enough My reply is no
9361823 354780 will i ever get a guy? As I see it, yes
9361822 354780 will i ever get a girl My reply is no
9361821 354780 will i get 1 Very doubtful
9361820 354780 will i get 1550 Without a doubt
9361819 354780 will i get 1500? NO!
9361818 354780 will i get 1490 on my sat My sources say no
9361817 354780 should i kms Outlook good
9361816 354780 will i get 1600 on sat Very doubtful
9361815 354780 will i get over 1500 on my sat NO!
9361814 923248 Should I go to the visitation? My reply is no
9361813 923248 Should I go to the funeral this morning? NO!
9361812 523579 Should i go tomorrow? Not in a million years
9361811 433745 He will text me Concentrate and ask again
9361810 433745 Louie is awake Without a doubt
9361809 433745 Louie can’t sleep Cannot predict now
9361808 93928 Will they send me an email today? Yes - definitely
9361807 34926 is uncle George going to give 20 dollars It is certain
9361806 735007 should i text him my apology letter? It is certain
9361805 402599 will i get a 100% n my math exam Outlook not so good