the Magic

can i do this?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364557 698604 can i do this? As I see it, yes
9364556 698604 should i tell him the stupid phrase Not in a million years
9364555 698604 does he remember me? Yes
9364554 698604 is he going to be weirded out? Outlook good
9364553 698604 should i chat to him? Signs point to yes
9364552 980085 Tomorrow will be digital soldier of 1361 days Yes - definitely
9364551 980085 I'm digital soldier of 1360 days As I see it, yes
9364550 638597 Will I really have multiple wives, at the same time? Yes
9364549 638597 Will I have multiple wives, at the same time? Without a doubt
9364548 325168 Will I make $2000 from digital products in June? It is decidedly so
9364547 325168 Will I make $2000 from digital marketing in June? Without a doubt
9364546 325168 Will I make $2000 from digital marketing in June? Concentrate and ask again
9364545 325168 Does malcom feel jealous to know I could be dating someone else? Outlook good
9364544 325168 Does Malcom think about me at night? It is decidedly so
9364543 325168 Does Malcom want me back? It is certain
9364542 325168 Does Malcom miss me as a partner? Without a doubt
9364541 325168 Does Malcom miss me? Yes
9364540 325168 Does Malcom miss me? Concentrate and ask again
9364539 54022 Should MI get size medium? Yes - definitely
9364538 54022 should MI get medium or large? Signs point to yes
9364537 622165 Is millie the puppy going to be ok? Without a doubt
9364536 595392 Will I get the new job Better not tell you now
9364535 595392 Will I get this new job Better not tell you now
9364534 466240 Should i go to grandmas house tomorrow? As I see it, yes
9364533 595392 Should I block max Yes - definitely
9364524 738343 Will Kareem work out our relationship Yes - definitely
9364523 738343 Will Kareem respond to my text It is decidedly so
9364522 606551 Are police looking for me? Signs point to yes
9364521 606551 Are police viewing reports about me? Yes - definitely
9364520 606551 Am I a peeping Tom? Most likely
9364519 335181 Should I attend the mass here in the clubhouse? Count on it
9364518 553885 Es sierto que el de 1D la gusto Very doubtful
9364517 521629 Is Joshua getting married to a dude Most likely
9364516 521629 Is Joshua getting married to a woman My sources say no
9364515 615637 Hoy el América pasara a la final? Outlook good
9364514 615637 Va a clasificar a la final hoy el America? Without a doubt
9364513 982152 does costa fotopoulos feel for me As I see it, yes
9364512 982152 does costa fotopoulos know my mother has passed away Count on it
9364511 738343 Will Kareem text me tomorrow Yes
9364510 738343 Will Kareem call tomorrow NO!
9364509 738343 Will Kareem get back from his trip tomorrow It is certain
9364508 411364 Will I win tonight My reply is no
9364507 411364 Will I win bingo tonight Outlook not so good
9364506 763758 hi b i t c h , bye b i t c h Yes - definitely
9364505 763758 da’ha-ha-ha’aaah’aaah’aaammm It is decidedly so
9364504 763758 I shot one in the face remember Reply hazy, try again
9364503 763758 I respect no pig! It is decidedly so
9364502 860872 Same question My sources say no
9364501 860872 Should we come back Most likely
9364500 831021 Will I Sara Salman Gilani marry Sulaiman Khan? It is decidedly so