the Magic

Does Crystal think I'm hot.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364701 919896 Does Crystal think I'm hot. Without a doubt
9364700 909164 Will he thank me again this week? Count on it
9364699 466240 Should i go to grandmas today? Count on it
9364698 909164 Will he write to me this week? Most likely
9364697 919896 Will Crystal falsley report me Outlook not so good
9364696 502857 Should I be a girl in Diablo 4? Yes - definitely
9364695 502857 Should I be a guy in Diablo 4? Better not tell you now
9364694 843609 Should I leave? My reply is no
9364693 843609 Should I stay? As I see it, yes
9364691 605778 nobody likes what you look like Without a doubt
9364690 605778 hey vincent, f u k k your b i t c h face, you ugly f u k k ! JUNIOR Concentrate and ask again
9364689 919896 Will Crystal let me grab her boobs Outlook good
9364688 919896 Will Crystal let me see her boobs My sources say no
9364687 919896 Is Crystal horny for me right now Reply hazy, try again
9364686 192669 chuck leclerc win Count on it
9364685 192669 lewis wins in monaco Better not tell you now
9364684 192669 jorge rusel wins in the principality Ask again later
9364683 192669 can ferrari take it in monaco It is decidedly so
9364682 192669 will mercedes be top in monaco It is decidedly so
9364681 192669 will red bull win in monaco Not in a million years
9364680 192669 will rb win monaco Better not tell you now
9364679 605778 brand new in the box gloryhl Yes
9364678 605778 the screen is cracked which is why I stored it Very doubtful
9364677 605778 I dug mine out … last saw in the time period 2017 to 2021 Better not tell you now
9364676 605778 you’ll find it here gloryhl Yes - definitely
9364675 461000 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning, looking pity morning truth absolutely, really It is decidedly so
9364674 461000 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning, looking stupid morning truth absolutely, really Outlook not so good
9364673 461000 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning, looking stupid morning truth absolutely My reply is no
9364672 461000 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning, looking crazy morning truth absolutely Without a doubt
9364671 461000 In the name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Lina wallace can't sleep and son can't rest night and Sunday morning, looking terrible morning truth absolutely My reply is no
9364670 348139 South korea on december Yes
9364669 348139 Should we visit south korea in december Without a doubt
9364668 348139 South korea on december? Yes - definitely
9364667 348139 Should we visit South Korea in december Outlook not so good
9364666 396295 should i get the iphone 15 on september? Outlook not so good
9364665 396295 should i get the iphone 15 next week? It is certain
9364664 17285 Yes or No Most likely
9364663 17285 are u even weriohs rn Yes - definitely
9364662 17285 Will I get the job? Very doubtful
9364661 17285 should i go for it and text her Count on it
9364660 17285 Should i focus on other things Count on it
9364659 17285 will anyone even care if i try anymore Count on it
9364658 133438 should i just stop trying As I see it, yes
9364657 133438 ella like me yes no My reply is no
9364656 17285 is nate for me Very doubtful
9364655 133438 is this even worth it Most likely
9364654 17285 should i just stop Outlook not so good
9364653 17285 is she trying to copy me Yes
9364652 139211 does she hate me Signs point to yes
9364651 139211 does she hate me Better not tell you now