the Magic

In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, me truth absolutely really, crying

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364748 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, me truth absolutely really, crying Most likely
9364747 743749 will they like me? Most likely
9364746 743749 am I good looking? NO!
9364745 743749 does he love me? Most likely
9364744 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, me truth absolutely really Signs point to yes
9364743 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown over me truth absolutely really Better not tell you now
9364742 433745 They going to send it Signs point to yes
9364741 433745 They going to send him the money Count on it
9364740 163107 should ı write Outlook good
9364739 694147 Can I send that? Count on it
9364738 694147 Do I say both? My reply is no
9364737 694147 Do I say both? Ask again later
9364736 694147 Is that better to send? NO!
9364735 694147 Do I send that? NO!
9364734 433745 He gonna sent money over to my account Most likely
9364733 433745 He gonna get money sent to my account Not in a million years
9364732 433745 He is broke Outlook good
9364731 433745 He is lying Count on it
9364730 433745 He is getting $7000 It is decidedly so
9364729 102061 Will he write to me sooner than Halloween? Outlook not so good
9364728 102061 Will he apologize to me? It is certain
9364727 257328 Should i text him Outlook not so good
9364726 651455 is grace cheating david Signs point to yes
9364725 165485 was jy and me meant to be Yes - definitely
9364724 357545 will denver win in minnesota As I see it, yes
9364723 357545 will pacers win the match agains nyk Most likely
9364722 667840 Da li cu imati dobro dete Without a doubt
9364721 490671 Es buena idea que tengamos un hijo ahora con Geronimo? Without a doubt
9364720 575153 Does my boyfriend Michael Dindo Hernandez still loves me? Reply hazy, try again
9364719 171889 Is it a good idea to bring a camera later? Most likely
9364718 171889 Will it rain tomorrow? Not in a million years
9364714 707281 In the name of Jesus amen, Janet Jan and Julie driving elieen House now truth absolutely, really Yes
9364713 707281 In the name of Jesus amen, Janet Jan and Julie driving elieen House now truth absolutely Most likely
9364712 17285 has O liked me as long as I did Yes
9364711 17285 has O liked me since before that Cannot predict now
9364710 17285 has O liked me since before that Ask again later
9364709 17285 has O liked me since that one time Outlook not so good
9364708 17285 do you think O likes me too Signs point to yes
9364707 17285 Does O know I exist Without a doubt
9364706 17285 does k like someone new As I see it, yes
9364705 17285 does k still like me Outlook not so good
9364704 17285 Does O like me back Count on it
9364703 17285 Does O like me Outlook not so good
9364702 919896 Does Crystal have a rape fantasy It is certain
9364701 919896 Does Crystal think I'm hot. Without a doubt
9364700 909164 Will he thank me again this week? Count on it
9364699 466240 Should i go to grandmas today? Count on it
9364698 909164 Will he write to me this week? Most likely
9364697 919896 Will Crystal falsley report me Outlook not so good
9364696 502857 Should I be a girl in Diablo 4? Yes - definitely