the Magic

should i invite him to the movies ?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9364790 391505 should i invite him to the movies ? Most likely
9364789 323071 Did the Asian women that I approached yesterday thought I was cute? Very doubtful
9364788 615637 El cruz azul va a clasificar hoy a la final? As I see it, yes
9364787 615637 Monterrey va a clasificar a la final contra el America? As I see it, yes
9364786 615637 Monterrey va a clasificar a la final contra el America? Count on it
9364785 615637 El monterrey va a clasificar a la final hoy? Without a doubt
9364784 615637 El monterrey va a clasificar a la final hoy? Yes
9364783 615637 El monterrey va a clasificar a la final hoy? Reply hazy, try again
9364782 615637 El cruz azul va a clasificar hoy para jugar contra el America la final? Not in a million years
9364781 615637 El cruz azul hoy va a clasificar a la final? My reply is no
9364780 615637 El cruz azul pasara a la final hoy? Yes
9364779 914578 Will I pass my Majors this sem It is decidedly so
9364778 397290 Will I win the 50/50 for honkai star rails next banner Without a doubt
9364777 397290 Will I win the 50/50 for honkai star rails next banner Cannot predict now
9364776 397290 Will I get boothill in honkai star rail Very doubtful
9364775 397290 Will I win my 50/50 in honkai star rail for boothill My reply is no
9364774 351529 Does Phillip like the attention I give him ? Without a doubt
9364773 351529 Is the feeling of a crush mutual between myself and Phillip Yes
9364772 351529 Does Phillip suspect I have a crush on him Yes - definitely
9364771 351529 Does phillip like when I text him I need you Most likely
9364770 351529 Does Phillip think about me Outlook good
9364769 594481 does she love me? Outlook not so good
9364768 782428 Willl my court case happen as planned It is certain
9364767 594481 does my girlfriend actually like me? Count on it
9364766 487874 Does Eden’s crush like her back? Without a doubt
9364765 281183 Should I Go to Izumi tonight? It is certain
9364764 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over, truth absolutely, really, real, lying, won't let me go Yes - definitely
9364763 487874 If my dad goes back into kwik trip to but two more hot cash crosswords, will we win a jackpot? Count on it
9364762 487874 If my dad goes back into kwik trip to but two more hot cash crosswords, will we win a jackpot? Cannot predict now
9364761 487874 If my dad goes back into kwik trip to but two more hot cash crosswords, will we win a jackpot? Better not tell you now
9364760 487874 If my dad goes back into kwik trip to but two more hot cash crosswords, will we win a jackpot? Cannot predict now
9364759 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over, truth absolutely, really, real, lying Count on it
9364758 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over, truth absolutely, really, real Outlook good
9364757 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over, truth absolutely, really Outlook good
9364756 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over, truth absolutely Yes - definitely
9364755 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried, relationship over Outlook good
9364754 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, cried As I see it, yes
9364753 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurt over me truth absolutely really, crying Ask again later
9364752 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurting over me truth absolutely really, crying Outlook not so good
9364751 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, hurts over me truth absolutely really, crying Outlook not so good
9364750 743749 are they going to like the way i look It is certain
9364749 743749 am i sexy It is decidedly so
9364748 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, me truth absolutely really, crying Most likely
9364747 743749 will they like me? Most likely
9364746 743749 am I good looking? NO!
9364745 743749 does he love me? Most likely
9364744 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown, me truth absolutely really Signs point to yes
9364743 492549 In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace breakdown over me truth absolutely really Better not tell you now
9364742 433745 They going to send it Signs point to yes
9364741 433745 They going to send him the money Count on it