the Magic

Da li ću biti u vezi 2026 godine?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9367093 465165 Da li ću biti u vezi 2026 godine? Concentrate and ask again
9367092 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Shane's Robinson and Tony Robinson and Antoinette shaw, Debora perry, Pete Robinson and Anthony Robinson and Butlers brothers, can't sleep and awake nights, truth absolutely, really NO!
9367091 465165 Da li ću biti u vezi sledeće godine? My sources say no
9367090 826798 does she miss me Yes
9367089 465165 Da li ću imati devojku biti u vezi ove godine? Outlook not so good
9367088 826798 are we cooked Outlook not so good
9367087 465165 Da li ću ikada imati ženu i decu tj. zasnivati svoju porodicu? It is certain
9367086 826798 am i cooked Reply hazy, try again
9367085 525702 In name of Jesus amen, Shane's Robinson and Tony Robinson and Antoinette shaw, Debora perry, Pete Robinson and Anthony Robinson and solely Butler, can't sleep and awake nights, truth absolutely, really Outlook not so good
9367084 826798 is marcus fat Outlook good
9367083 826798 is icebox ass Yes - definitely
9367082 826798 is valorant ass Better not tell you now
9367081 826798 is my team ass My sources say no
9367080 467254 Will me and Sofia k marry when we get older Signs point to yes
9367079 467254 Will me and Sofia k marry when we get older Better not tell you now
9367078 467254 Does Sofia k have a crush on me Most likely
9367077 467254 Does mariam have a crush on me My sources say no
9367076 467254 Will i post a Fortnite YouTube video today Reply hazy, try again
9367075 467254 Will i get unreal in Fortnite someday Outlook not so good
9367074 467254 Does my crush like me It is certain
9367073 467254 Will i get a girlfriend Cannot predict now
9367072 169492 Does he ever think about chatting me? It is certain
9367071 381267 Should I call off Not in a million years
9367070 933308 Am I an icon? Very doubtful
9367069 422077 Yazmalı mıyım It is certain
9367068 933308 Does my boss at McDonald’s have a love and hate relationship with me? Yes - definitely
9367067 933308 Does my boss at McDonald’s have a love-hate relationship with me? Signs point to yes
9367066 933308 Is McDonald’s my drug? My sources say no
9367065 933308 Am I a chameleon) Outlook not so good
9367064 933308 Do I bring fantasies into the real world? My sources say no
9367063 933308 Do I bring fantasy into the real world? As I see it, yes
9367062 933308 Do I bring fantasy into the real world? Ask again later
9367061 933308 Am I truly one of a kind? As I see it, yes
9367060 933308 Am I a rare species? Outlook good
9367059 911828 should i go with them Yes
9367058 911828 do i go with them for two days Outlook good
9367057 611765 Do I stay tonight? My reply is no
9367056 620623 Do I leave tonight? Outlook not so good
9367055 620623 If I leave will he miss me? It is decidedly so
9367054 620623 Does my recent ex miss me? Without a doubt
9367053 620623 Are there changes I’m not seeing? Signs point to yes
9367052 620623 Should I trust his word? Count on it
9367051 620623 So yes? Leave? Very doubtful
9367050 620623 Should I stay and figure it out? My reply is no
9367049 620623 Should I leave him? Outlook not so good
9367048 620623 Should I leave him Reply hazy, try again
9367047 132716 will anime adventures come back? Yes - definitely
9367046 879155 Should he ask her out? Yes
9367045 879155 should he do that or no? Outlook good
9367044 535402 Do you think he'll change his mind and come back to me? Reply hazy, try again